Survival Horror Game Concept
Hi guys, I started working on an idea that a friend and I came up with and I thought I would post the results of many months work. It is the first game that I have ever developed. It is in very early stages. Basically just a walking simulator at the moment. It is made in Unity 5. I don't know if I should fork out the R1000 for Steam Greenlight fee without knowing if anybody would actually play the game.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated
Any feedback is greatly appreciated

1890 x 951 - 792K

1898 x 967 - 630K
Thanked by 1Sash
Sharing prototypes is a fairly common act on the forums. I personally am not a fan of the horror genre, but you're more likely to get good feedback if there is something to play.
Put your game in front of people first, watch them play. Learn from that and refine the game until it talks to people the way you want it to. Then, once you've done that (and @NickCuthbert is right, posting prototype builds here is a great way to do that, as is coming to meetups to playtest) you should have a better understanding of what you can achieve with the game.
Only do something like take a game to Greenlight or an app store once you have a strategy for what that's going to be like and what you're going to achieve. If you're not sure that something is a good idea or not, then you don't know enough about the decision you're trying to make and the various things that might affect it.
Note that this has nothing to do with your game or it's quality, just don't release things without being sure about the reality of your expectations.