Portfolio of Yeshua Nel
Portfolio of Yeshua Nel.
I'm Yeshua Nel an artist from South Africa with an interest in the game, movie and comic book industry.
A few samples below of what I do.
Logo Designs

Character Designs


3D Models

visit www.unnamed.co.za For More
I'm Yeshua Nel an artist from South Africa with an interest in the game, movie and comic book industry.
A few samples below of what I do.
Logo Designs

Character Designs


3D Models

visit www.unnamed.co.za For More
Elven Knight
My take on a classic role playing character.
The metal greaves seem to be rendered a lot like leather, or cardboard painted gold. I don't know how intentional this is (the whole character is a bit dust ad battle stained which is cool). I'd expect if he was covered in a thin layer of mud, then there'd still be areas where the metal might shine through (places of wear and tear, like the knee caps). I'm not sure if I'm giving good advice, but it feels like the metal rendering is inconsistent (which probably doesn't matter if this is a concept piece in any case, although given the amount of effort spent on rendering this is beyond a concept).
I guess that the detailing overall is a bit inconsistent sticks out to me, like the brown leather bands on his legs looking a lot less worked than the bottom of his red chest-cloth. There's a lot of thin brush strokes in a lot of places to create scratches or bright rim lights, but the forms of things are sometimes at a lower resolution... Not sure how much of this is aesthetic preference.
The bands of brown leather of the legs don't seem to have ambient occlusion or shadows cast on them from the cloth above. Something about the lighting feels like there should be more shadowing. Maybe it's that I expect a leather material to have less pronounced highlights than the metal parts of the character.
I think some of the lighting might be inconsistent in general. The shadows that are cast by objects appear like the main source of light is very much in front of the character, but the god-rays and maybe some of the shading make it look like the main light source is from above (and if the light is mostly above the character I'd expect the shadows that are cast to be longer).
The chest doesn't seem to be lit correctly. Given that the main source of light is probably coming from above and in front of the character I'd expect the cloth over his stomach to be more in shadow as it is tucked into his belt and other objects seem to imply that his chest isn't perfectly vertical.
Anyway, I like the character, I like the masculine jaw on a youthful face, and I especially like some of the looser/more confident lines, like the saggy shape of the water skin by his waist and the string floating away from it and catching the light.
Sorry if I just gave a whole lot of criticism and that wasn't really what you were looking for :/
Here's an Illustration done for BlackHart Entertainment, It's of the character Cassandra for there game called "The Kingdom Of Ice"
Pixie Face
It's for his novel called "Journal for Mandela Men"
You can read it here: http://endthiswar.co.za/episode-1/
A trible type alien mixed with robotics.
Link to Bilda Games bildagames.com/
Logo Design
NPC Concepts & Models
The models are hand painted and rigged for UnrealEngine.
(C) Rexmark Investments
The model is available for download here
Face fully pose and animation ready,
Comes with preset poses which
can be found under the Pose Library
as well.
Video available here
Thank you BloodCage, ;)
male and female base meshes for free....
there are un-textured ones too....
It has UV maps, and the blend file comes with vertex groups.
Poly Count (1264) Verts (634)
Formats (.blend) (.fbx) (.obj) (.3ds) (.dae)
Link to model
The idea was to make One Model, One Rig, with Multiple Outcomes.
Next up I would like to do a chick Elf,
But we'll see if i still feel like that when I finally get down to it.
Used Blender 3D 2.80 to finalize it, and waw what a program now,
Did not know one can get all googoo gaagaa about a program for the second time ;)
Model is up for sale at Turbosquid
My latest Halflife 3 conceptual fanart
Feels like a lifetime since the last halflife,
but somehow I know it will still be worth the wait.
My latest Illustration.
Print available
A 3d character model of Shaka Zulu, a great African Zulu King.
He comes with a spear & shield (Assegai & Nguni)
Link to model here
Low Poly Sword Pack for sale,
They are all UV unwrapped as well
Product Link
They are all UV unwrapped
Product Link
Here's a video of the process part 1 - Sculpting + Hair
HD artwork link