So what is everyone playing?

I'm sure everyone here loves their games! Just curious to see what everyone is currently playing?

I'll start,

Just finished The Last of Us (One of the best stories I've seen in a video game!)

Still got to complete:

Witcher 3
Batman: Arkham Knight
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Sunset OVerdrive

Thinking of replaying:
Thanked by 1NDDDave


  • What I am currently playing

    Counter-Strike: GO - Competitively
    ARK: Survival Evolved - Quite good but needs a lot of work still
    Planetary Annihilation - Really addictive to me atm
    Guns of Icarus - Another addictive game with matchmaking
  • Kero Blaster - a great platformer made by the developer of Cave Story
    Cities: Skylines
    The Talos Principle
  • Americas Army - Proving Grounds
    Some Kerbal Space Program now and again

    I try not play too much as it tends to prevent me from actually working on my own project, but I have a collection of games I need to get to on my Steam Account ... eventually ... one day. 8-}
  • Stuff I've played in the last ~2 weeks:
    - Super Mario 3D World
    - Rocket League
    - Journey
    - Heroes of the Storm
    - Life is Strange
    - Arkham Knight
    - MKX

    Don't really play anymore, but I've been watching some recent Starcraft2 tournaments, and enjoying that quite a bit too.
  • Company of Heroes 2
  • @Elyaradine I have seen some really good things about Rocket League and it kind of reminds me of Counter Strike Soccer days. Will get it when it comes on special
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    Zaphire said:
    What I am currently playing

    Counter-Strike: GO - Competitively
    ARK: Survival Evolved - Quite good but needs a lot of work still
    Planetary Annihilation - Really addictive to me atm
    Guns of Icarus - Another addictive game with matchmaking
    Ahhh Counter Strike! I use to play that loads back in the day!

    I've heard of ARK, but never really got a chance to play it.
    Stuff I've played in the last ~2 weeks:
    - Super Mario 3D World
    - Rocket League
    - Journey
    - Heroes of the Storm
    - Life is Strange
    - Arkham Knight
    - MKX

    Don't really play anymore, but I've been watching some recent Starcraft2 tournaments, and enjoying that quite a bit too.
    I was only able to play Super Mario 3D Land on the 3DS, which was absolutely awesome! As for Arkham Knight and MKX, I cant play it at the moment :(

    I bought the games digital of the Xbox Market store and when I moved to SA and wanted to start it up, I get a message saying "You need to be online to play this game" (Yay for DRM on the Digital games!):(

    That goes for about 90% of my games as well. The only games I can seem to play that are digital is Witcher 3, Fifa 16 and DBZ Xenoverse :(

    Need to get a proper internet connection here so I can play it lol
  • Witcher 3
    Pillars of eternity
    Thanked by 1garethf
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    kidult said:
    Witcher 3
    Pillars of eternity
    Witcher 3 is the next game on my list lol. Played it for a few hours then got side tracked and started playing the Destiny DLC lol
  • I got DiRT Rally and a Logitech Driving force GT, and I'm loving it. Also Mark of the Ninja and me and my wife play Don't Starve together.
    Also on mobile I play Pumped BMX 2. It's the only mobile game I play and it's seriously one of the best game ever.
    It should win a prize.(probably has already... :))
    Also have a bunch of games on steam that I still need to get to.
  • Hehe @karl182 glad to know im not the only one playing Dont Starve together because of the other half :D
  • lloydizle said:
    kidult said:
    Witcher 3
    Pillars of eternity
    Witcher 3 is the next game on my list lol. Played it for a few hours then got side tracked and started playing the Destiny DLC lol
    Yeah I've done pretty much all the things in the Witcher 3 now....and that's a lot of things! Really want to give Destiny a try but no PS or xbox

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    Recently I haven't played a lot of games.

    I watched a lot of Batman Arkham Knight being played, and picked up the controller a couple times. The stealth sections are still great, there's some impressive puzzles, and the city is phenomenally realized. But there's a lot of weaker elements as well, and it requires a lot of suspension of disbelief because the writing is kind of derpy.

    I played the first couple levels of "Super Mario 3D Land" (with @Elyaradine). My only complaint is that it's not Mario Galaxy. The game oozes with charm and craft, though feels a bit lacking in wonder (I've played a lot of Mario games at this point).

    And as well played "Her Story". It's a really elegant piece of story telling, and a really clever game design. I recommend it.

    I tend to find myself wowed by the amount of content and polish in AAA games these days, but find that most of what's there is a rehash of something I've seen before. I guess I can't turn the game designer in my head off.
  • Mmmh, I fired up StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty campaign again (finished it when it came out) after picking up the Heart of the Swarm expansion discount recently. Still marveling at the balance and polished design excellence. So that.

    I have thankfully overcome my CS:GO addiction and stopped spending real money on skins and keys. (For now)

    Also on the current playlist: Homeworld: Remastered, RunningWithRifles, Elite: Dangerous, Dark Souls 2 (PS3).

  • @Zaphire haha yeah it's awesome! We also play Borderlands 1 and 2 from time to time, and have put around 140 hours into Path of Exlie as well.
    I Also found Doom 3 BFG edition on PC in a toys R Us the other day for R50. So I bought it and finished Doom 1 again. It was still good! :)
  • Got a gift code for Nuclear Throne from a friend, which is great for those 10min breaks (procrastination) in between tasks. And then since I'm a huge fighting game nut, Guilty Gear Xrd, sprinkled with some Ultra Street Fighter 4.
  • In past month:
    Hearthstone - Blizzard
    War of Mine - Steam

    Tested some random android games for research
    Played our own games for testing.
  • Just finished: Talos Principle
    Now playing: Thief (with occasional on and off bursts of Don't Starve).
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    @pieter Guilty Gear Xrd is sooo good! But I'm stuck without the DLC characters because I bought in stupid European zone! Our office has mostly been playing Mortal Kombat X, because Guilty Gear Xrd is animated at a low framerate making it more confusing than it needs to be :( (as well as other reasons why Mortal Kombat is less confusing, although personally I prefer Xrd)
  • @BlackShipsFilltheSky There is nothing more patient than an European Arc System Works fan :D Can't wait for those DLC characters to hit our shores either.

    MKX is a gorgeous game, but I enjoy watching my friends play it more than actually playing it myself. But if you're playing Mortal Kombat 2, I'm there!
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • Played a spot of Witcher 3 (don't have time for long sessions, so progress is slow) and also some Diablo 3 in co-op now and then.
  • Finally played Gone Home. It's really worth playing.

    Started GalakZ... there's a lot that's really great about it (if you like dogfighting games like Luftrausers), but I find it relies a bit too hard on retreating for my tastes.
  • Currently playing Arkham Knight, Project CARS and Dirt 3. After that I have to complete Bloodborne and Infamous SS.

  • Bought Witcher 3 for PC... after two hours of installation and setup, patches and GOG updates, I was finally allowed to click PLAY and then it crashed. Meh.

    Started playing The Evil Within on playstation instead.
  • @BlackShipsFilltheSky I have played Gone Home and I found it really boring and had no idea what to do. What made it worth playing for you?
  • @Zaphire I think what makes Gone Home cool is its blend of the mundane and thrill of discovery. It's a very human story you are exploring, much more so than most games out there, so it relates to you on a deeper level. And it has a great sense of mystery. That being said, I must admit that it won't be everyone's cup of tea.

    @BlackShipsFilltheSky If you liked Gone Home, you should give Cradle a try (by Flying Cafe for Semianimals). Honestly one of the best games I've played in a long time. It has more of a fantasy approach, but it's bizarre in all the right ways. And it has a great blend between the foreign and familiar.
  • Playing The Talos Principle right now. Good writing, fun puzzles. Recommended.
  • Heroes of the Storm
    Lumino City
    The Banner Saga
    Don't Starve Together
    Grim Fandango remastered
    And Adventure Time Puzzle Quest >_> but don't tell anybody.

    Really wanna play Gone Home and Journey soon!
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    @Zaphire There's a lot about Gone Home that I liked (some of which @SleepingSafari mentioned). Gone Home had that thing for me that a good book has, or sometimes a good movie has, it left me feeling something. The experience I get in a lot of games (particularly action games) is of mastery or of power or of overcoming challenge. Gone Home doesn't deliver that, and anyone wanting that is going to remain wanting. But I really enjoyed the story in Gone Home, which is something I can say of only a few games I've played.

    @SleepingSafari Cool I'll check out Cradle. Though it looks like there might be sections that are all puzzles and no narrative that might lose me (unless the puzzles are sublime). Seems like a 5 hour game, which also concerns me (in that it might outstay its welcome). It looks freakin beautiful though, and the setting is spot on my interests.
  • I enjoyed Cradle - it's very Russian. The puzzles are lightweight, with most of the appeal lying in the story/backstory/setting. I hated the Minecraft sections though, but thankfully they are skippable.
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • @BlackShipsFilltheSky Yeah, it definitely has its share of puzzle but they all fit in very well with the narrative so it doesn't necessarily feel like you are doing a puzzle. It comes off as very natural. Also, a large part of the dev team worked in the STALKER franchise so the story and atmosphere is kind of reminiscent of those games

    @rustybroomshandle Yeah what was up with that minecraft puzzles??? Felt totally out of place with the rest of the game haha. But all in all, a brilliant game none the less.
  • Busy playing Relic Hunter Zero at the moment. Can't believe its a free game
  • The only game I have been playing for the last 6 months more or less is.... Rift.
    Damn you MMORPG's.... DAMN YOU!!!!

    Thinking of starting and finishing the Legacy of Kain series though.
  • I've been replaying the Batman Arkham games in anticipation of the PC version of Knight being rereleased. It seems I'll have plenty more time to get that done.

    On top of that, it's been Punkmas lately. I've been splitting my time between Invisible Inc, Shadowrun Hong Kong, and (most recently) Satellite Reign. I'll be dreaming in neon soon. :P
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    Haven't much time to play games now a days but I'm getting back into, Final Fantasy - Tactics and generally love a majority of their titles, Can't wait for FF15. :)
    Witcher 3 is also amazing.

  • Oh man, I just remembered the 100+ hours I put into Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. It took me substantially shorter than 100 hours to remember, so I suspect I forgot some of it. Perhaps it's time to fire up the old game boy...
    Thanked by 1NDDDave
  • @francoisvn Lol awesome. That's some dedicated game time.
  • Journey - on my bro-in-law's PS4....... what an amazing, beautiful... journey!
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