JUICED ROBOT || Music Composition Company

edited in Jobs
Dear Gamers and GameDevs

My name is Mark, and I am a Music Composer in Cape Town.

I attended one of the monthly MakeGamesSA meetings, and was urged to submit my services and portfolio.

My company, JUICED ROBOT, is a music composition company, and has thus far composed music for Web Commercials and Mobile games. As an avid gamer, nothing would float my boat more than being able to write for games for the local industry.

My musical style is influenced by the energy and themes found in Rock n Roll, and Heavy Metal; though not restricted to those genres.

Examples of my music can be found at:

The tracks "Video Game", "Epic Trailer" and "Arcade" are most appropriate in this context.

If you need music written for your project, please contact me for a quote.
I am happy to write tests for free, as long as it's fun !!

Would love to know what you guys/gals think of the music...?

Many thanks,
Mark Allnutt
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