Goodbye NAG magazine

Only just read about this (apparently announce last month already)

Quite sad. I've been an avid reader of this magazine for so many years. Found out about MGSA in one of their articles. Know they are still going to be online, but I always kinda liked the silly quote on the side of the printed mag!!! Also, reading comments online just doesn't have the same feeling as the "letter of the month" section on paper :(
Thanked by 3shelton LC_Lupus critic


  • I would have loved to have gotten into that magazine at some point, but oh well. They will continue online at least, but I like paper... I like collecting stuff... and now my pile of NAG magazines shall forever stay the same size.
    Thanked by 1FanieG
  • Yeah it's a real pity, was one of the last mags I still looked forward to reading each month - also used to keep each issue when I was younger, until the pile got too big for my bedside table
    Thanked by 1FanieG
  • edited
    Wow, NAG is not going to have a printed copy, that is a bit sad, I thought South African gaming audience has increased over the years. I had one of my letters printed in an issue years ago, but TBH haven't bought one copy in the last 5 years...
  • @critic - the local gaming audience certainly has increased, quite significantly according to media research databases, but the problem is that advertisers haven't followed the trend, and without enough ad support (which is how most pieces of entertainment get funded), along with readership that hadn't increased to reflect the increasing gaming audience, it seems NAG struggled to keep up with the high costs involved in having a print title.
    Thanked by 1critic
  • @Gibbo has hit the nail on the head. And the same is true for other publications that have been forced to go digital (PC Format springs to mind). If you look at any of your NAGs pre-2010 you will see ''for the fans'' (Look & Listen's motto) on almost each page, TVR on almost each back page, Top CD, Musica and BT Games with double page ads. Alot of those companies are no more too. Even the list of distributors of games got smaller and smaller over the years. No more EA Africa, Nu Metro interactive etc. Nowadays think its only megarom, apex and sterkinekor left on a list that use to be loooong. Rather sad :(
  • Also, local game-buying audience increase =/= more people buying a magazine. Especially not with internet penetration and service quality improving like it is.

    So many people used to get NAG for the cover DVD, it was a big deal when they stopped including one for a while.
    Thanked by 1FanieG
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