[Tool] ProLapse
I made this tool for myself and thought I'd share it.
I like making screen lapses when I game jam. Usually I use chronolapse but don't like that it continues to record when I'm afk and found converting the image sequences to video to be a pain.
Now I just run the tool all day and use it as a time tracking aid (as the name suggests). You can scrub back in forth through the lapse and see time stamps so its easy to work out when you started and finished a task.
I also added the ability to filter by focused application so, for example, you can just export frames when unity was focused.

Download What The Fuck DId I Do Today
I like making screen lapses when I game jam. Usually I use chronolapse but don't like that it continues to record when I'm afk and found converting the image sequences to video to be a pain.
Now I just run the tool all day and use it as a time tracking aid (as the name suggests). You can scrub back in forth through the lapse and see time stamps so its easy to work out when you started and finished a task.
I also added the ability to filter by focused application so, for example, you can just export frames when unity was focused.

Download What The Fuck DId I Do Today
Thanked by 13Riocide dislekcia creative630 dammit SUGBOERIE BenJets Stray_Train Nitrogen Tuism MCA KleinM SimsGotBeats Ross
I was quite surprised how hard it is to find a decent cross platform ui frame work. I thought there would be be something like Unity but for applications. Let me know if you have any recommendations
I would second Qt, although I know you already have experience using it. Any reason you decided against using it?
This looks pretty cool too:
Apparently its system agnostic if you really want to move to monogame or xna. Not sure if it would be useful for you though.
I think I'll just rebuild it in unity. The only real functionality lost would be ability to minimize to the tray. I also have some features in mind that would be very painful to implement in a traditional ui frame work.
Here's a fresh build!
Cleaned Up The UI a bit ^_^
I polished up my screenlapsing tool and put on itch,
Not really sure where else to link it. Might post on Ludum Dare.
Project and pitch here: https://fna-xna.github.io/
But... I guess this ain't OSX friendly at all? >_<
Screenlapse from yesterday
Also, are you using C#? If so what about the crossplatform Mono libraries?
@Merrik, I'm enjoying watching your work. This would be fun to use for a one-day gamejam to show how you got to where you did.
Unfortunately, I'm posting them on my tumblr which has a 2mb gif limit, so I'm having to cut, crop, resize and compress the gifs to actual shit >.<
My daily sketch: https://gfycat.com/JaggedSpecificCheetah
Far less interesting UI work: https://gfycat.com/ForsakenTenseChuckwalla
As soon as I click the Export button it opens Windows Explorer. My suspicion is that there's a suppressed exception I'm not seeing
Dawid let me show his prolapse!
Not sure if you are still maintaining this, found a tiny bug, if a image from a sequence is removed from the screens folder, export fails. I made a time-lapse of a few hours worth of work, it's actually a pretty good format for community updates, it does put some pressure on the person recording though, feels like someone is watching you under a magnifying glass.