LOL that is a ridiculous amount of blood. Well done. Why the hell does the blade stay clean ??? And why does the blood on the floor (and the chunks) vanish ? With today's computing power you can just leave them there.
@clive That blood and gore effect is great... I've rolled my own but it doesn't look HALF as awesome. Was this of your own making or... O.O IS THERE AN ASSET I CAN DOWNLOAD FRoM THE STORE!?!?!?
It looks well polished... Is there a game in progress with this?
LOL that is a ridiculous amount of blood. Well done. Why the hell does the blade stay clean ??? And why does the blood on the floor (and the chunks) vanish ? With today's computing power you can just leave them there.
The chunks are a nice touch btw
Agreed 100% - It's far from polished and finished, I was testing engine mechanics at this point - which doesn't really show in this particular video, I was just recording a "still" for amusement. There's a team assigned to ongoing visual improvement.
@clive That blood and gore effect is great... I've rolled my own but it doesn't look HALF as awesome. Was this of your own making or... O.O IS THERE AN ASSET I CAN DOWNLOAD FRoM THE STORE!?!?!?
It looks well polished... Is there a game in progress with this?
The blood effect, as it stands here, is a modified version of this unity asset store product:
As far as "game in progress", yes, this one is sadly successful ( "sadly"? ) ... After how long my last game took to be greenlit, this was an idea I posted on Steam Greenlight, in a very unpolished, very very early (pre alpha) state figuring while I work on my other game that had also been greenlit this one could slowly gather votes and I could improve it when I had time and so on ... It completely caught me with my pants down when this got greenlit since the game, although playable, didn't have any of it's own levels (it was just using unity asset product example scenes) and was roughly thrown together.
As it stands right now, although the game itself is playable, I have a team working on redoing art, creating levels etc - this video is actually recorded in one of the recently completed levels by my level designer - albeit as yet unbaked (lighting) and not nearly production ready since it's actually a first draft.
I was so caught off guard with this being greenlit already :/ even the greenlight video was just a recording of myself playing against myself (on my PC vs on my Mac using two controllers simultaneously) -- but having finished getting the other game live on steam and adding several updates to that, this one is next.
As it stands right now I'm finishing my work on the base engine while the artists and sound guys finish their work. I've completely stripped out Unity's physics engine and replaced with my own (which was what I was testing this week) because I have strange requirements that Unity simply cannot handle natively.
The chunks are a nice touch btw
It looks well polished... Is there a game in progress with this?
The blood effect, as it stands here, is a modified version of this unity asset store product:!/content/7907
As far as "game in progress", yes, this one is sadly successful ( "sadly"? ) ... After how long my last game took to be greenlit, this was an idea I posted on Steam Greenlight, in a very unpolished, very very early (pre alpha) state figuring while I work on my other game that had also been greenlit this one could slowly gather votes and I could improve it when I had time and so on ... It completely caught me with my pants down when this got greenlit since the game, although playable, didn't have any of it's own levels (it was just using unity asset product example scenes) and was roughly thrown together.
As it stands right now, although the game itself is playable, I have a team working on redoing art, creating levels etc - this video is actually recorded in one of the recently completed levels by my level designer - albeit as yet unbaked (lighting) and not nearly production ready since it's actually a first draft.
I was so caught off guard with this being greenlit already :/ even the greenlight video was just a recording of myself playing against myself (on my PC vs on my Mac using two controllers simultaneously) -- but having finished getting the other game live on steam and adding several updates to that, this one is next.
As it stands right now I'm finishing my work on the base engine while the artists and sound guys finish their work. I've completely stripped out Unity's physics engine and replaced with my own (which was what I was testing this week) because I have strange requirements that Unity simply cannot handle natively.