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This is a quick update on the current state of the MGSA wordpress site. I've been working on it off and on for the past few months and I think we have quite a good base to work off of. However my free time is severely restricted as of late so I cant commit to any deadlines at the moment.
Front End:

Back End:

- We've got dedicated sections for News, Events, Knowledge Items (kinda like a wiki)
- Each section is split into categories - eg. under Events you have Meetups, Workshops, Game Jams, etc.
- Events are specially treated with start and end dates and a location which will be shown via google maps.
- We've got completely customisable sidebars - you can pull in any combination of events, news items, knowledge etc and customise most of it's appearance.
- We have basic page display happening, but there's still lots of polish that needs to be done.
Front End:

Back End:

1754 x 1217 - 774K

1754 x 1178 - 397K

1754 x 1178 - 158K

1754 x 1178 - 220K

1754 x 1178 - 263K

1754 x 1178 - 302K

1754 x 1178 - 200K

2560 x 1257 - 572K
Well, if anyone knows Wordpress / PHP / CSS and wants to help out with the dev, give me a shout and we can chat. You'll need to set up a XAMPP type server / vagrant box on which to host the thing but I can run you through the process.
It is working correctly, I can log in with my either my email address or username. You've probably signed up with a different email address, double check it in your profile settings.
I'm not sure how big a request this is, but I'd like my posts to show a nickname instead of my username... It's been years since I set up this account and I'd rather be known as something else (but I don't want to lose my history).
Ok so lets get this design finalised so we can have a front page.
*Summons @Tuism*
So for now look at *content* and features that we absolutely need on the frontpage and associated pages.
I agree with you :)
Can we get a live preview site for us to look at while we tweak?
Also I have some source (which might be outdated) which I can setup for live tweaking.
I really like that it has a side bar that is like the forums. But each event was like the forum topic in that it was a separate visual entity is would be good. Also the sumary description (like on the GGJ event) is super cool, and rather useful!
One thing that I'm not too fond of is the comment system: if we're also posting these as forum threads (which I'm guessing we will) then it makes more sense? (and yes I am totally stealing that idea from desktopdungeons.net)
It also says Archives:Events. I'm assuming this page would be the upcoming with a link to the archive lower down?
On the main page
With regards to the Recent Discussions: any chance we can limit that via category? We'll already be posting events on the page so I don't think it would be needed to have a double link to that, and I think if we focus on the sections where people produce things it would be cool. (We really need more eyes on people's prototypes/art/music/tutorials)
With the recent knowledge items: is there any way to go to all knowledge items? (Maybe a link in its heading?)
But yeah: seems good. Now just my eternal worry of trying to keep a "news" feed up to date :rolls_eyes:
This way we don't have the additional burden of creating additional content for the front page, and keeps content updating to minimal effort. I don't think it's fair to lump updating the front page with fresh content anyone's job (I bet that's what will happen) if it's going to be actually creating content, and lots of it.
With this kind of system, anyone can create content, the admins just have to approve them and promote them to the right space on the front page.
Now, of course, all this is on the predicate that a system like that is relatively easy to implement, a thing that I have no idea of.
@Karuji, I agree, I would not use the wordpress comment system at all, and would rather get the forums to act as the comments for each item.
The news, I also agree with, I dont think it should be another Rock Paper Shotgun, but rather a place for announcements and other interesting things happening. (medium frequency of updates)
The knowledge items do have a "view all" page: http://mgsatest.nitrogenlab.com/knowledge/ It's not fleshed out but you can browse the categories on the right, and it would obviously need to be better laid out than it is now. Yes it says "Archive" at the moment, but the basic functionality is there.
Edit: Yes of course, we'll need to add a View All under the Knowledge Items, the Upcoming Events and possibly the Latest Forum Posts to keep things symmetrical.
So seems like we have the basic principles of the functionality that we want mostly down then, and it's just polishing that and getting the visual aesthetic in line with that of the forums?
1. It's hard to build.
2. A thread can't be marked as news or events or whatever for the front page without using the existing categories system.
3. We have people who will willingly update everything for ever and ever :P
@Tuism add to that 4. Forums dont make good CMSs :P
And I think 4 == 1 in this case of language?
@Tuism 3. I doubt there would be a singular person who does it for all eternity. It'll most likely be a group of people who assume the duty with a rotating membership. But having been around MGSA for a while I think it'll be more likely that someone just does it until they find someone who "volunteers" to do it.
But the Googling I just did seems like there is only really on plugin, by Vanilla themselves, that doesn't do nearly what we'd like it to do.
Edit What is the functionality difference between the current WP/Vanilla system and what do we needs? By my estimate it's just the generating a thread from a WP post that seems to be needed?
What about splitting the site slightly in such a way that the root becomes a proper website using all the ideas that you had so far (not too worried about the tech) and then just create a ./forums/ path with some kind of forum software installed like vbulliten (or whatever). If there is costs involved, I'm sure the community would gladly pitch in. The main site can the be focused on MGSA as a business and then have the relevant links to the forums or anything else of interest.
What exactly is needed on the front page for "business of MGSA"? Right now I thought some way of contacting the association is one thing, other than that I'm not really sure. Anyone have any solid ideas?
This is the thread of how we are going to make that system useful. And also make it as good looking as our forums currently are!
Moving the forums from Vanilla to vBulletin or phpBB3 just isn't viable. We have years of posts and data that can't simply be moved over, a great theme that would need to be redone, and years of information that has been indexed on search engines giving us really good page rankings! All of that makes sticking with the current forum much more efficient.
@Tuism yeah that's what we need, but there doesn't seem to be anything that has that functionality. Also generating a forum post based on a WP post is the other thing I think we need.
when we had the static front page a couple forum versions ago we just used MGSA.com/discussions which I think should probably stay because of search engine indexing. Though I'm not a SEO specialist so YMMV.
Just because some software decided that discussion is is preferred url instead of forum doesn't mean we have to use that term any place other than the url.
But I do agree, that's a secondary longer term objective to get to.
All the copy can and probably should change, what I have there are mostly to get an idea across functionally.
EDIT: Also realised a really nice "Welcome" panel you made which is awesome for newcomers!
I also noticed there are "only" 6 slots for games. I take that as a challenge to have the section come up "all Francois" at some point ;)
Also, how will things be placed in that list? If it's activity based, you're going to have to be vigilant against bumping behavior if the front page proves to be the major way people find game threads.
Having admin curatorship would suck and a lot of people would certainly complain about it. Having most recent bumping behaviour would suck too.
How about a combination of most recent and hearts? But that would require some kind of algorithm, and broforce would dominate that for ever, which is not what we want or need :P
Any ideas? Admins cracking down on purely bumping behaviour? But that's always quite tricky. And more admin burden.
BTW I don't think we need as much space for news. I think games and events should hold prime real estate, along with the welcome content. I know it dominates the centre right now but I think it could easily be a lot smaller, I was following the template. What do you guys think?