Unity + Testflight + iOS

We were chatting about getting test builds out at last night's joburg meetup, and I spent the day looking it up. It seemed all pretty cryptic until I found this: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ios-8-beta-testing-with-testflight--cms-22224

Then it looked pretty straight forward. The only catch I seem to have run into were:
1. 64 bit build is needed now. You need to make sure your Build Settings > Player Settings has two things set:
A. Scripting Backend = Il2CPP
B. Architecture = Universal
2. You need to submit for Beta review before you can actually send it externally to people. I threw up a build into review and did a bit more searching - it could take anything from a day to a week. Noone knows.

Which is a bit of a pain if you'd like to get ad hoc builds out to people on a frequent basis!

So last night @Chippit was saying you could build with specific device IDs in the provisioning profile (is that right?) then dump out an archive which can be deployed on devices that you got device IDs from. Er... @Chippit could you please elaborate on the steps for doing this?

Thanks ya'll :)


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    Yeah if you have to wait for any kind of review before testflighting that kind of defeats the objective :/
  • Welcome to the new improved Geshtapoflight!
    Thanked by 1mattbenic
  • The new TestFlight is definitely a bit backwards in some areas. What we do is give the people who do the most testing a proper iTunes Connect account, as they will receive a new build immediately when you make it available. For the less-frequent testers, we use the Beta procedure, which can take up to four days for the build to be approved. Yes it's a pain, but we've adjusted our schedules to compensate.
  • @DavidHecker so you register a new iTunes account, and use that as internal? Don't you have to pay the apple dev license for that account? Also isn't it a pain for people to log into a different iTunes account?

    I was hoping there's something more adhoc than this, @chippit seems to know a way.... Awaiting his response :P
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    1) Get UDIDs for all devices you want the game to run on
    2) Create ADHOC provisioning profile and add those devices to it
    3) Build your game in Unity, then in Xcode change your signing to use that Adhoc profile
    4) Have Xcode do an Archive of your game, selecting for Adhoc distribution
    5) Send people the resulting IPA
    6) Install said IPA via iTunes
    7) ???
    8) PROFIT!
    Thanked by 2Tuism Chippit
  • @Tuism I add them as users in iTC. We still only pay for a single account because we're set up as an organisation, so it might actually be different if you're an individual.

    Our clients are not always very tech savvy (and mostly overseas), so the old TestFlight system was always a bit of a stumbling block to get them to sign up and accept the permissions required. The new system only requires an active Apple ID for the tester which (from a client point of view) is soooo much easier.

    The new XCode 7 will allow you to build directly to a device without having to have an Apple Developer account, so if you have the devices at hand, that's also an option.
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • Yeah I test on device easily enough, that's never the problem, the problem is getting test builds outside of me myself and I.

    Thanks for reminding about the organisation thing, I also have a company registered so I can just add people via there. Cool! Will try it out sometime soon :)
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