Calling All Linux Users...

edited in General
Kaboom Arena needs you to test the Linux build. I haven't packaged it (other then creating a tar.gz file and added some startup scripts) ... I would like to get it tested on different Linux machines and get any feedback I can. The game runs on my test rigs ... but I would like some extra testing to be performed ... as well as some feedback on any issues encountered and what rigs you tried it on.

Please download v0.6.3.0 for Linux here: Thank you for time and I look forward to hearing back from you all.


  • Okay cool ... thanks ... will do. 8-}
  • Hi @Quintond,
    I've tested Kaboom arena (alone unfortunately)
    I'm running:
    Kubuntu 15.04 with 16GB RAM, AMD R9 270X with dual monitors and a quad Core i5

    Everything seems to work well especially if I turn vsync on, and it looks particularly gorgeous with everything on Epic.
    Without vsync, there seems to be aperiodic bouts of tearing, as seen in the first screen-shot attached.

    On startup, the game does not fill the screen when running at lower resolutions, as seen in the second screen-shot. Please excuse the dreadfully boring spreadsheets to the side.

    I find that the collision region for the powerups is far, far too small. I takes me multiple passes to pick up a powerup, and on occasion it feels as though I cannot a powerup at all. I doubt this a Linux specific problem, but please consider perhaps increasing the collision radius.

    I haven't tested networking yet, as there didn't seem to be any games available. Out of interest, what engine was used for the game.
    3840 x 1080 - 2M
    3840 x 1080 - 1M
  • The shadows seem also a little heavy to me (see screenshot) not a major issue though, I just seems a little too binary.
    512 x 277 - 100K
  • @NickCuthbert ... thank you very much for the testing and the feedback. 8-}

    Other testers have picked up the VSync and not full screen size on startup issue. I have managed to replicate it and I am now busy implementing a re-work of the way I set these options on startup. I am also going to replace the whole Graphics Setting screen with a more intuitive and easier to use screen ... so this will be addressed in the next release.

    The collision is related to the game and not Linux. I had them bigger at one stage and it seemed too big ... I think I have now made them too small ... lol ... I will make them larger and this should fixed in the next release.

    This was made in Unreal Engine 4 ... the game was cooked and packaged for Linux on Windows using Clang. 8-}

    Thank you again for the testing ... I appreciate it ... and I will address the issues. 8-}
  • The shadows seem also a little heavy to me (see screenshot) not a major issue though, I just seems a little too binary.
    Yeah ... I saw that now as well ... I think I forgot to activate the Skylight on the map in my haste to package the game. Bad code monkey *slaps self* ... added to my bug list to fix. 8-}
  • Right ... time for all Linux users again please ...

    ... this version is based off UE 4.8 and hopefully a lot of the issues should be resolved.

    Please download v0.6.3.0 for Linux here: Keen to hear your experiences and also to see if we addressed some of the concerns.

  • Time for me to exit 'lurk mode', mostly because Linux has been mentioned ^_^

    Firstly, my system specs (I don't have a high end PC)
    Linux Distro: Arch Linux 64bit (Gnome 3 interface)
    CPU: i5 3470 3.2Ghz
    GPU: Nivida GTX650 1GB (Dual monitors)
    RAM: 12GB

    I had no problems running the game.
    Considering the specs of my system I've found that the overall performance is pretty smooth.
    Setting the graphics settings to "Epic" pretty much gave me a constant FPS of 20, native resolution is 1600x900.

    I experienced the same problem as NickCuthbert with the game not filling the screen at lower resolutions.

    I'll be keeping a close eye on this.
  • @pjpdev - Thanks for testing. I am glad that the game ran fine on your machine ... every time some on Linux tests I get more impressed with clang and its capabilities. 8-}

    This version was upgraded to v 4.8 of the Unreal Engine which had a lot of extra features added for Linux, it seemed to resolve the issue you experienced on my test machine ... obviously it hasn't resolved the issue on all machines.

    I will now change the code I use to set the graphics up and replace it with a new way of doing it and try to resolve this issue once and for all.

    Thank you again for your time, I will post an update when I have a new and better Linux friendly version. 8-}
  • edited
    Update: 16th August 2015
    This is a new upload that addresses the issue with the Linux build of v0.7.0.0 not working, we upgraded to v3.1 of Blui in the process.

    Please download v0.7.0.1 for Linux 64 bit here:
    Please provide feedback through the usual channels.
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