Indie Game the Movie Screening at Labia? [Update]
Okay I'm going to try make this happen. Will be phoning the manager of Labia during the week to try and get them on board, after that its a matter of trying to get permission from the IGTM people. See no reason why this shouldn't be possible. Announcing it here prematurely so that there is public evidence that I committed to this and I have less discourse to get lazy and back out of it ;). <br>
Update: See comments
Update: See comments
Haven't got hold of anyone at labia yet, though I haven't tried very hard yet.
I've also submitted to screening request form to the IGTM people. It seems that will be the biggest thing to get right - so for now its simply a matter of waiting for a response from them. Definitely the kind of occasion where being associated with the IGDA would be handy, but in any case hopefully the merits of MakeGamesSA will show through.
Basically to rent a cinema hall costs R20 a seat. So for their main cinema hall this means 176 seats x 20 = R3520 as venue hire costs. If you sell seats at 40-50 rand it should be pretty easy to cover that cost even if we only sell half the seats. The theatre is willing to process all the ticket sales and such. I am yet to find out what we would need to pay the IGTM for a screening.
At this point it means there would be some pressure to make sure the night is a success, but add in some press and the fact this is probably the only screening of the movie on the African continent of a Sundance award winning film, it doesn't strike me as a difficult to get right. Then again that also depends on how much community buy in there actually is for this idea.
What hasn't been discussed is the possibility that labia takes on the risks of showing the movie. But I think we put that forward we need to make a really strong case that we could fill the numbers.
Anybody still think this is a good idea?
Personally I think it is if we look at making this a "première" night and draw in a bigger crowd than our little collective and in the process focus a lot of attention on makegamessa then its totally worth the admin.
Definitely think facebook would work well as a vessel to spread the word, but seeing as they don't allow you to create events without a date, I think maybe we should hold back until we have one, even if it's just a tentative date.
So basically if there is less than 50 people, we are allowed to have a licence free screening gratis provided we pimp it to the social networks afterwards. I think that is pretty awesome of them. So if all else fails we can still have a meet up screening.
I'm still waiting to find out exactly what license fees would entail for 50+ people, but if we do go this route they will provide marketing materials plus list it as an official event on their site and so on.
Okay, so next step is to get a final figure on what it would cost and if we feel it's actually doable. Sure once we have details locked in I'm sure we can also negotiate a better deal with the labia to get them to cover cinema costs.
I think next logical step is to talk to the Labia people to see if they can assume the risk of the theatre costs, while we assume the costs of the licence fee. R1600 ($200) is a much happier sum of money to assume risk for, and I wouldn't mind fronting this to make it happen. Consider it my good deed in the name of game dev for the year (but based on the assumption it will be recouped from sales of course).
If the joburg peeps want to organise their own screening, feel free to ask and I will put you in touch with the right people from IGTM.
Also good time to start using a MGSA logo of some sort.