S.A.D Cat - South Africa Representing at the Shayla VR Jam in Copenhagen!
Hi all,
Thought I'd let you all know about S.A.D Cat http://raxter.itch.io/sad-cat
A perspective based 2D platformer in VR
Hello! So I've been away across the shores for two months now but was lucky to get to go to the Shalya VR Jam in Copenhagen. There were about 60 participants and people from Oculus, Razor, Morpheus and all manner of cool people in VR.
Our team of 7 ended up with 4 South Africans! So myself, Anja Venter, Inger Holstvig Færch (South African living in Denmark), @Jaysong / Drift Prism (working remotely from SA) were representing SA! Along with us was Kevin Broløs (Denmark - BestBrains), Max Nilsson (Sweden - Filimundus), and Pétur Örn Þórarinsson (Iceland - CCP Games). Fanstastic group of people I'm so lucky to have worked with.
The game mechanics work similar to that of FEZ, except you can look in any direction, not just the 90 degrees. The camera is controlled with the VR headset. The game is about a cat exploring the seasons and the emotions and perspectives those seasons bring.
The cool news: We came first! There was audience voting and our team was joint first! We were super stoked how the game turned out so we share it here for all you lovely people to try out! You don't need an Oculus DK2 but one would be very recommended. xbox controller is also recommended but there are keyboard controls available if you don't have.
Thought I'd let you all know about S.A.D Cat http://raxter.itch.io/sad-cat
A perspective based 2D platformer in VR
Hello! So I've been away across the shores for two months now but was lucky to get to go to the Shalya VR Jam in Copenhagen. There were about 60 participants and people from Oculus, Razor, Morpheus and all manner of cool people in VR.
Our team of 7 ended up with 4 South Africans! So myself, Anja Venter, Inger Holstvig Færch (South African living in Denmark), @Jaysong / Drift Prism (working remotely from SA) were representing SA! Along with us was Kevin Broløs (Denmark - BestBrains), Max Nilsson (Sweden - Filimundus), and Pétur Örn Þórarinsson (Iceland - CCP Games). Fanstastic group of people I'm so lucky to have worked with.
The game mechanics work similar to that of FEZ, except you can look in any direction, not just the 90 degrees. The camera is controlled with the VR headset. The game is about a cat exploring the seasons and the emotions and perspectives those seasons bring.
The cool news: We came first! There was audience voting and our team was joint first! We were super stoked how the game turned out so we share it here for all you lovely people to try out! You don't need an Oculus DK2 but one would be very recommended. xbox controller is also recommended but there are keyboard controls available if you don't have.