[Paid Job] Saving Animated Gifs from Unity

edited in Jobs
We currently have a tool to save animated gifs from Broforce (in Unity)...

Our problem is that the gif tool we have saves a different colour palette each frame. This results in flickering colours, makes the filesize much larger and possibly also makes the gif take longer to save. We want a new improved tool that can take a sequence of Texture2Ds and output an animated gif.

The current tool seems to save gifs in much the same way Adobe Premiere does. Whereas a tool like LICEcap builds a colour palette for the entire sequence. LICEcap saves a much smaller gif without flicker and takes less time to save. This is the functionality we desire (though we don't care that as much about the saving time as removing the flicker and reducing the filesize).

The tool we want doesn't exist on the Unity Asset store, which is why we're asking someone from the community to build one for us.

Would anyone be interested in taking this on? (or know someone who would be)

We're not too sure how much time this should take someone. It probably depends on whether there is a library out there that can be easily imported into Unity. We expect it shouldn't take longer than 2 - 3 weeks. We'd expect to pay for that amount of time. If you could quote us that'd be great.

(Also, if it matters, we don't mind if you sell it on the Asset Store afterwards).


  • Seemed like it could be interesting (I've never tried to do anything with animated gifs before) so I got all excited and went and read up on the format and wrote a thing that outputs a really simple animated gif.
    I would totally be up for this if I didn't have exams starting this week (I'd still be up for it after exams but that's 3 weeks from now =/)
    Thanked by 1EvanGreenwood
  • didn't @thefuntastic do something special for the trailer for Cadence? there was a talk at a meet up.
    Eitherway, wondering if you consulted with them yet?
  • @D3zmodos 3 weeks delay might not be a problem for us. This isn't urgent, though obviously if someone can do it immediately we'd prefer that.
  • @blackshipsfilltheSky We have already done a lot of stuff re: unity capture and streaming, e.g. our unity video cap plugin :


    This definitely sounds like something we would enjoy doing at RenderHeads, and I don't expect it would take very long to do (based on your description, 2 weeks coding, 1 week testing). If you haven't already found someone, lets chat :)

  • @shanemarks So far we've only posted this here and asked a couple people we know. So we're definitely still figuring out who we want to do this. This would obviously be right up Renderheads' skill tree.

    We had another look on the Unity Asset store last night. There have been two new gif saving tools added, but both of them build palettes for every frame.

    It seems such an obviously bad way to save animated gifs. I'm a little confused as to why people think that's an acceptable functionality for this kind of tool.
  • I did a bit of looking into this, and perhaps people haven't implemented because creating a palette that can accurately represent a set of frames is not as simple as it first sounds. I'll PM you shortly with some thoughts
  • edited
    @shanemarks Thanks man!

    It looks like there *might* be some relatively easy to implement solutions, like projects on GIT hub that get us 90% of the way there. Richard Pieterse (of Free Lives) is looking into it, we'll decide tomorrow.
  • Ok cool, let me know if you find anything useful on github, hope you do!
  • So this seems to be some new gif exporter for Unity. Haven't done an intensive investigation into it, but I think it does what you guys are looking for.
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