A: Katamari - The prince
Hi I just started exploring in the world of game art & pixel graphics ( got alot to learn, and loving it). This is my fist atempt..
T_T I finished it~ok I'd change a lot but anyway, its sposed to be katamari ( the prince) napping after all the hard work of rolling around the Katamari.
Njoy ^_^
T_T I finished it~ok I'd change a lot but anyway, its sposed to be katamari ( the prince) napping after all the hard work of rolling around the Katamari.
Njoy ^_^
64 x 64 - 533B
64 x 64 - 25K
499 x 385 - 35K
Very cool little guy! The shading's pretty good and the isometric works well :)
Can you make his eyes more obviously closed, maybe give him some floating Z's to indicate he's sleeping? One of the tricks that people use to show sleep is to tilt the head back a bit and open the mouth slackly, dunno if you have space to pull that off, but I reckon you might be able to "roll" the face up a tad.
Glad you signed up!
like this --->
Thanks for the tips
Last thing (sorry didn't mention before :P) is to make feet that pointed upwards since he was lying down :) Just a liiiiittle bit :)
Very cool @Ally :)