WAG Challenge - Game Writing Challenge
The UK is going to have a game-writing competition and it's open to international entries as long as you submit it in English.
Visit and follow their website:
Start: 1 June 2015
End: 1 July 2015
Restrictions: 10-20 minute playthrough
Visit and follow their website:
Start: 1 June 2015
End: 1 July 2015
Restrictions: 10-20 minute playthrough
1. It's not about text. It's about a GAME that is WELL WRITTEN. So you're submitting GAMES. That can be played through in 10-20 minutes (as cited in OP)
2. Entries will be judged on their writing by a jury of pro writers in the video game industry.
3. No genre restrictions (they cited Journey as an example so it's not about text)
@Nuclear_Mosquito: I can't imagine that being too much of an issue, if the last paragraph of the rules page is anything to go by :)
@Nuclear_Mosquito, Can you make an RPG that lasts less than twenty minutes? Or will it be more of a top down hack 'n slash/shooter with some mild RPG elements thrown in to the mix? Just wonderin' for interest's sake.
The major obstacle I'd envision is the general consensus that RPGs require heavy player investment and development. But while time and experience (not necessarily XP, though! ;) ) could probably help you forge more of a connection with your character, it should technically still be possible to build a 20min narrative RPG with all the genre traits and values in place.
... if you show the community your work in progress and request active feedback, of course. :3 :angel:
Quoting the mighty Wikipedia:
The dates in the original post appear to be out of date (unless they refer to a different competition).
I don't see any references to the original competition anywhere through the link.
Just a suggestion, it might be a good idea to use that time (if the website is correct) to do a small test and figure out a few things first. As I understand it this is one of your first game attempts, so getting a bit of prep work out the way is probably a good idea.
(And if all goes smoothly you end up with 2 games in 2 months)
Oh well, I guess. Gives me more time to become accustomed to things in the engine I thought was easy till I made a two hour mistake a while back...
Although I have been thinking that maybe they have monthly challenges or something, and maybe the one I had seen at first has already started. But I don't know. Can't seem to find the original page anyway. But if it get's to next month and the date jumps again... well then I know something's up.
(I ask because if you're not getting feedback on your work you're probably not evaluating it very well, this is just how games work, and if you're not learning from the prep work you're doing then you might be headed into the WAG challenge with all the new-to-game-development mistakes looming over you).
It now seems to be 1 June to 1 July. OP updated
But I know that I should...