Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 - Steam Alpha testing


Hi, we about a month away from releasing on Early Access on Steam so we looking to start doing some local (SA) game testing to test 8 player multiplayer games.

We hope to give out the first batch of codes for the game this Friday/Saturday (depending on how things go this week).
If you interested in helping test please add your e-mail address on this form.

Some screenshots:



Lighthouse Games Studio


  • Lookin' good!
  • If it's easier for you guys just reply here with your Steam Alias and I can send it directly over Steam chat.
    We looking for at least 10 more people if possible.

  • garethf said:
    Lookin' good!
  • Added my email address ... this looks interesting. 8-}
  • Keen to start spearin' people!
  • Keen to start spearin' people!
    looking forward to the rematch, we've made a couple of changes based on your guys feedback.
    Hope to have the next build ready by tomorrow night!
  • Big thanks to the guys who have helped out with the testing so far.
    It's been great and had some good feedback, so far we have only managed to get a 5 player game going. We looking to try and see if the game handles 8 players, but it's hard to organize 8 players to play at the same time.

    So if anyone is still keen to help out please let us know, we have a few more keys available.
  • Hey, we doing a multiplayer test tonight from around 6:30 onwards. Looking for 8 players to help test.
    We already have about 5 players. If you can help out let me know here.
    If you haven't signed up yet and want to just reply with your Steam Alias and I'll send you a key.
  • So there's a meetup in JHB tonight and a gathering (of sorts) in CT as well. That's going to make the pool of available people on the forums to join in a bit smaller... Maybe reschedule for tomorrow?
  • Thanks, we managed to get an 8 player game going. Will probably do another one on Thursday evening from 6 - 7:30
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