Random idea for a game
Stop me if this has already been done, and maybe point me in the direction of the game that already exists, but…
Is there already a game that uses your OS's desktop as the level/arena? A platformer essentially, that makes use of any folders and files on the desktop?
Monsters would crawl out from folders that could be destroyed
Files are blown up to gain items/treasure
You could possibly climb into folders as secondary areas to explore
Each OS desktop would have unique characteristics, Windows vs. OSX vs. Ubuntu...
Possibilities of multi/split-screen fun
Objects spawn regularly/randomly to help, i.e. guns, ammo, tools, armour, being able to clim the sides of the screen or use a grappling hook/jetpack…
Before the person loads the game they could basically design the level on their desktop. So if you're in the mood for a Space Invaders style game you could arrange a row of folders along the top of the screen… Once you've completed the level, all folders/files/monsters are gone it either reloads as before but is more difficult - more monsters, fewer items, or that's it, or a new level is randomly generated with files and folders repositioned.
Is there already a game that uses your OS's desktop as the level/arena? A platformer essentially, that makes use of any folders and files on the desktop?
Monsters would crawl out from folders that could be destroyed
Files are blown up to gain items/treasure
You could possibly climb into folders as secondary areas to explore
Each OS desktop would have unique characteristics, Windows vs. OSX vs. Ubuntu...
Possibilities of multi/split-screen fun
Objects spawn regularly/randomly to help, i.e. guns, ammo, tools, armour, being able to clim the sides of the screen or use a grappling hook/jetpack…
Before the person loads the game they could basically design the level on their desktop. So if you're in the mood for a Space Invaders style game you could arrange a row of folders along the top of the screen… Once you've completed the level, all folders/files/monsters are gone it either reloads as before but is more difficult - more monsters, fewer items, or that's it, or a new level is randomly generated with files and folders repositioned.
There's a currently-in-development game called AdventurOS: http://adventuros.evelend.com/blog/
In 1997 there was another one, titled Virus: The Game. It was a Descent-like. See
I suppose I'm thinking more simplistic - the game just takes a "screenshot" of the desktop and scans the files and folders to create the additional sub-content, but visually nothing really changes except the character appears and monsters start crawling out of folders etc. and Start menus/taskbars become interactive in a different way…