Anybody keen to split a Kickstarter backing for physical gaming tiles?

This is for boardgame makers, and players, primarily.

There's a kickstarter for tiling game mats, they look properly versatile, the project looks solid.

here's a not so interesting video that breaks them down a little bit:

Personally, I'd probably like to back for the 10 tiles tier, or at least the 5 tiles.

The trouble is that only the 30 mats tier (and upwards? they're a little vague) ships internationally. Anybody want to split an order with me?

Import duty will probably push the price a higher, but the backing price is basically $2.50 per tile.

I keep imagining how awesome it would be to have these at a game jam.


  • Sorted over PM, we've backed for 30 tiles. If anyone else wants in, we can buy the tier multiple times.
  • Hey, I'd be keen to put in some money for 10 or so mats. Let me know if that's still an option.
  • I'll investigate it. Might actually have to email them to figure it out.

    In the meantime , we should spread the word in case we're limited to batches of 30.
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