What does the committee do?
With the AGM due to happen soon ( date to be confirmed) I thought I'd share some of the things the committee does. If these jobs seem appealing please nominate yourself to join the committee for the 2015/2016 period.
I'm probably forgetting some things but those are the main jobs.
Please comment.
- Arrange a venue & volunteer to host Global Game Jam in CT & JHB.
- Create & run the annual industry survey. Compile a report for media distribution.
- Arrange venues for the Annual General Meeting. Mediate voting for new committee.
- Promote recent local games to the organizers for AMaze JHB.
- Volunteer manpower & equipment to rAge organizers to show recent local games.
- Oraganise a community night once a month in CT & JHB, announce it on the forums and social media.
- Pay for & maintain the MGSA website
I'm probably forgetting some things but those are the main jobs.
Please comment.
I guess I also do competition stuff.
This means (as the trends above suggest) much of the work and time the committee dedicates is orientated around growing the South African games Industry, rather than specifically around growing a community. Of course developing and industry will develop the community and vice-versa, but often the effect is a trickle-down rather than targeted impact.
I just thought this was an important distinction to make :).
And a big thanks to the committee for what they do and have achieved :)