If your local business is interested in doing outsourced projects please comment on this post with a link and contact details. I will update the top post with that list. Matching requests to potential teams would be a great. Then in future anyone can simply direct those requests to this post.
24 Bit Games @AngryMoose
services: Mobile / Web / Desktop game development, porting, and optimisation.
web: 24bitgames.com
email: info@24bitgames.com
twitter: @24bitgames
RetroEpic @dammit
web: http://www.retroepic.com/
email: info@retroepic.com
twitter: @retroepic
Twoplus Games @Tuism
web: twoplusgames.com
email: steven@twoplusgames.com
twitter: @twoplusgames
Clockwork Acorn @francoisvn
web: http://clockworkacorn.com
email: info@clockworkacorn.com
twitter: @ClockworkAcorn
Rogue Moon Studios @garethf
web: roguemoonstudios.com
email: admin@roguemoonstudios.com
twitter: @roguemoonstudio
Silvernode Studios @WilliamHK
web: http://www.silvernodestudios.com/
email: williamhkruger@gmail.com
twitter: @KrugerWilliam
Cool Your Jets @BenJets
web: coolyourjets.co.za
email: info@coolyourjets.co.za
twitter: @CoolYourJets_SA
Formula D interactive @MNRosa
services: Serious game design, gamification
web: www.formula-d.com
email: info@formula-d.com
twitter: @_FDI_
Playground Sound @MCA
services: Sound Design, Music Composition, Voices & Recordings
web: www.playgroundsound.co.za
email: playgroundsoundza@gmail.com
twitter: @Playgrnd_Sound
iLike Studios @PowerCat
Web: www.ilikestudios.co.za
Email: info@ilikestudios.co.za
Twitter: @ilsmark
SenseVirtual @tyronerubin
services: Virtual Reality Development
web: sensevirtual.com
email: info@sensevirtual.com
twitter: @sensevirtual
Sea Monster @creative630
Services: Animation, game development and augmented reality.
Web: http://seamonster.co.za
Email: hello@seamonster.co.za
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeamonsterSA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seamonsterZA
RenderHeads @shanemarks
Web: http://www.renderheads.com
Services: Interactive software development (games, interactive experiences)
Email: southafrica@renderheads.com
BlueBadger Productions @pixelnator
Services : Mobile Apps and 2D Games, 2D animation
Email : bluebadger.productions@mail.com
Blackson Software Development cc. @Blackson
Services: Coding, c#
Email: kingbell@mweb.co.za
Rhapsody Recording @RhapsodyREC
Web: www.rhapsodyrecording.com
Email: info@rhapsodyrecording.com
Twitter: @RhapsodyREC
One Nation Studios @djgc
services: Sound design, music production, post production, final mixing and mastering
web: http://www.onenationstudios.co.za/
email: greg@onenationstudios.co.za
phone: 0836029798
Obsessive Notion @zaphire @sonicay
Web: http://obsessivenotion.com/
Email: johanhey@gmail.com
Twitter: @obsessivenotion
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Obsessive-Notion-1053761151317514/
Sozo Lab @SozoLabs
web: https://www.sozolabs.com
email: info@sozolabs.com
twitter: @SozoLabs
Clint Sutton Illustration @CSillustration
services: 2D Art direction, Illustration, Character design, UI, Sprite animation, Backgrounds
web: http://www.clintsuttonillustration.co.za
email: studio@clintsuttonillustration.co.za
24 Bit Games @AngryMoose
services: Mobile / Web / Desktop game development, porting, and optimisation.
web: 24bitgames.com
email: info@24bitgames.com
twitter: @24bitgames
RetroEpic @dammit
web: http://www.retroepic.com/
email: info@retroepic.com
twitter: @retroepic
Twoplus Games @Tuism
web: twoplusgames.com
email: steven@twoplusgames.com
twitter: @twoplusgames
Clockwork Acorn @francoisvn
web: http://clockworkacorn.com
email: info@clockworkacorn.com
twitter: @ClockworkAcorn
Rogue Moon Studios @garethf
web: roguemoonstudios.com
email: admin@roguemoonstudios.com
twitter: @roguemoonstudio
Silvernode Studios @WilliamHK
web: http://www.silvernodestudios.com/
email: williamhkruger@gmail.com
twitter: @KrugerWilliam
Cool Your Jets @BenJets
web: coolyourjets.co.za
email: info@coolyourjets.co.za
twitter: @CoolYourJets_SA
Formula D interactive @MNRosa
services: Serious game design, gamification
web: www.formula-d.com
email: info@formula-d.com
twitter: @_FDI_
Playground Sound @MCA
services: Sound Design, Music Composition, Voices & Recordings
web: www.playgroundsound.co.za
email: playgroundsoundza@gmail.com
twitter: @Playgrnd_Sound
iLike Studios @PowerCat
Web: www.ilikestudios.co.za
Email: info@ilikestudios.co.za
Twitter: @ilsmark
SenseVirtual @tyronerubin
services: Virtual Reality Development
web: sensevirtual.com
email: info@sensevirtual.com
twitter: @sensevirtual
Sea Monster @creative630
Services: Animation, game development and augmented reality.
Web: http://seamonster.co.za
Email: hello@seamonster.co.za
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeamonsterSA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seamonsterZA
RenderHeads @shanemarks
Web: http://www.renderheads.com
Services: Interactive software development (games, interactive experiences)
Email: southafrica@renderheads.com
BlueBadger Productions @pixelnator
Services : Mobile Apps and 2D Games, 2D animation
Email : bluebadger.productions@mail.com
Blackson Software Development cc. @Blackson
Services: Coding, c#
Email: kingbell@mweb.co.za
Rhapsody Recording @RhapsodyREC
Web: www.rhapsodyrecording.com
Email: info@rhapsodyrecording.com
Twitter: @RhapsodyREC
One Nation Studios @djgc
services: Sound design, music production, post production, final mixing and mastering
web: http://www.onenationstudios.co.za/
email: greg@onenationstudios.co.za
phone: 0836029798
Obsessive Notion @zaphire @sonicay
Web: http://obsessivenotion.com/
Email: johanhey@gmail.com
Twitter: @obsessivenotion
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Obsessive-Notion-1053761151317514/
Sozo Lab @SozoLabs
web: https://www.sozolabs.com
email: info@sozolabs.com
twitter: @SozoLabs
Clint Sutton Illustration @CSillustration
services: 2D Art direction, Illustration, Character design, UI, Sprite animation, Backgrounds
web: http://www.clintsuttonillustration.co.za
email: studio@clintsuttonillustration.co.za
w: 24bitgames.com
e: info@24bitgames.com
t: @24bitgames
web: retroepic.com (or for a list of services: retroepic.com/services )
email: info@retroepic.com
twitter: @retroepic
Twoplus Games
url: twoplusgames.com
email: steven@twoplusgames.com
twitter: @twoplusgames
web: http://clockworkacorn.com
email: info@clockworkacorn.com
twitter: @ClockworkAcorn
web: roguemoonstudios.com/
email: admin@roguemoonstudios.com
twitter: @roguemoonstudio
Good thread though. :)
I get a fair number of queries in email for this sort of work and I am sure many others do. This is a place to send those opportunities.
web: http://www.gamelancer.net
email: info@gamelancer.net
twitter: @gamelancer
googleplay: gamelancer
skype: mornebooysen
email: morne@gamelancer.net
Company: Silvernode Studios
web: http://www.silvernodestudios.com/
email: williamhkruger@gmail.com
twitter: @KrugerWilliam
Please include Cool Your Jets:
Services: Illustration, animation, design, direction, game concepts involving cats and fast food
Cool Your Jets @BenJets
web: coolyourjets.co.za
email: ben@coolyourjets.co.za
twitter: @CoolYourJets_SA
services: Mobile / Web / Desktop game development, porting, and optimisation.
If others want to add this to their listings, I suggest they just edit their OP so this thread doesn't bloat too much! :)
Services: Serious game design, gamification
Twitter: @_FDI_
Services: Sound Design, Music Composition, Voices & Recordings
Web: http://www.playgroundsound.co.za
Email: aglinder@gmail.com
Twitter: @Playgrnd_Sound
Web: www.ilikestudios.co.za
Email: info@ilikestudios.co.za
Twitter: @ilsmark
Studio 2, Castle Mews
29 Sir Lowry Road
Cape Town
Services: Location sound recording, sound design, Foley, music scoring, final mix and master.
Web: www.rhapsodyrecording.com
Email: info@rhapsodyrecording.com
Twitter: @RhapsodyREC
Contact: Greg Albert - +27 83 476 67 61 ( Location sound specialist and sound designer )
Matt James - +27 83 314 11 70 ( Sound designer and final mix engineer )
I' am looking for a reputable company that can assist in the mass production of BLOODHOUND EDU BOARDGAMES
Please contact at:0823910336 or email:dan.modiakgotla@yahoo.com
Kreative Revolution
Services: Production Managent, Promotion and Marketing, Writing, Video, and Audio Production.
Web: www.kreativerevolution.com
Email: TheKreativeRevolution@gmail.com
Ivo Sissolak
Services: Sound Design, Music Production and Recording
Web: www.ivosissolak.com
Email: ivosissolak@gmail.com
Twitter: @Mexicanopiumdog
Location: Cape Town
services: Virtual Reality Development
web: sensevirtual.com
email: info@sensevirtual.com
twitter: @sensevirtual
One Nation Studios:
Sound design, music production, post production, final mixing and mastering
Contact: Greg
Web: http://www.onenationstudios.co.za/
email: greg@onenationstudios.co.za
Phone: 0836029798
Location: Johannesburg
Thanks in advance.
Sea Monster
Web: http://seamonster.co.za
Services: Animation, game development and augmented reality.
Email: hello@seamonster.co.za
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeamonsterSA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seamonsterZA
Web: http://ww.renderheads.com
Services: Interactive software development (games, interactive experiences)
Email: southafrica@renderheads.com
BlueBadger Productions
Development services : Mobile Apps and 2D Games
Digital Art services : 2D animation
Email : bluebadger.productions@mail.com
Published Products : App - "Boer soek 'n gras" link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bsg.version.one&hl=en
Game - "Picdoku" link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pic.doku.puzzle&hl=en
Blackson Software Development cc.
Services: Coding, c#
Email: kingbell@mweb.co.za
Products: Bounty Arms: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kerosenegames.ba&hl=en (Senior Engineer)
Website: http://obsessivenotion.com/
Email: johanhey@gmail.com
Twitter: @obsessivenotion
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Obsessive-Notion-1053761151317514/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Obsessive Notion&hl=en
Sozo Labs
web: https://www.sozolabs.com
email: info@sozolabs.com
twitter: @SozoLabs
Some clients prefer working with people in the same location.
So they don't have to contact everyone, or check every website, to determine where the company is based.
RetroEpic @dammit
web: http://www.retroepic.com/
email: info@retroepic.com
twitter: @retroepic
Great idea :)
Suggestions for something we could try:
1) The first post only contains company names and each links to the user's post (the user's company post lower down in the thread).
2) Each user edits their post to update (if needed) the company info, using a guideline template (e.g. name, logo/icon, website link, description, contacts, etc.).
3) Each user post also has a "return to top" link. (Nice to have, but not important.)
4) Delete, or move to a separate thread, all posts that do not contain company info. (Such as this post I made.)
If they are moved to a separate thread then the first post can have a link to that thread, indicating its purpose.
Also have a warning that non-company posts will be moved to the other thread.
Clint Sutton Illustration
services: 2D Art direction, Illustration, Character design, UI, Sprite animation, Backgrounds
web: http://www.clintsuttonillustration.co.za
email: studio@clintsuttonillustration.co.za
Currently we closed for active outside work (actually since August 2015),
and returned to solo hobbyist developers.
Had a great time in CT, I'm not there anymore like most of you know.
I highly recommend Pieter Visser as an employee for any of the other studios!
GL is now only me, Morne Booysen, as a part time developer and I've got a full time job now as a Financial Planner...since the Chemical Engineering industry is also on tilt.
PS: Thus I (GL) cannot help shadows, nor employment opportunities (if your visitor reading this).
PSS: All the best to the other Studios Starting out!
God bless, and thank you for all the new friends from these forums. And all the Twitter likes and retweets.
Post Mort'em: (Just my opinion)
Doesn't matter how much you make, or how hard you work...if your burnt rate is higher than your net income, your out of business.
New friends and people.
Education in game development and its business world, in the real world.
1. First get your (a) game to the stage that it is loved with an active community base, before you spend your pension on (just doing it, unless you know why personally like I did. Personal life goals.)! If you have a specific game, make sure it has a solid known market value and that if you hit the minimum sales it is enough.
2. Contract work is contract work, ie not fun. Only benefit is being paid while you hone your craft.
3. Have a life goal why you are doing this, and try and track or reflect on it. This may help you better understand yourself and what you want out of this industry. Example: Do you want to make games, or sell them? Read the book e-Myth.
4. You need a huge network in and outside this industry - thus communities like this MGSA is priceless.
5. Have fun! If not your doing it wrong!
Generalist services from single plugins to complete games
Availability displayed on my website: http://www.mybadstudios.com
Contact: support@mybadstudios.com
Facebook: http://business.facebook.com/mybadstudios
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mybadstudios
youTube: http://www.youtube.com/mybadstudios
Location: Brits, North West
Maple Seed
Services: General Unity Development, Unity Physics, Game Design, UnityScript-to-C# Integration/Porting, Runtime Mesh Manipulation, Shaders, Backend, Vuforia/AR, Wordpress, "Extra-hands-on-deck", Cryptocurrency mining services, Video Production, Ionic, Eclipse, Copywriting, Logo Design, Hardware prototyping.
Located in Centurion
Services: General Unity Development, VR/AR Game and Software Development.
Architecture Visualization
Located in Cape Town
services: Sound Design, music composition, audio implementation.
web: www.africaaudiopost.com/
email: hello@africaaudiopost.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AfricaAudioPost
location: Cape Town
Services: Unity Development/Prototyping and .NET API/Micro-services
Email: info@darkdungeonstudio.com
Website: https://www.darkdungeonstudio.com
Location: Cape Town