How early to get the community involved in a project?

edited in General
As the title reads, when would you say is the best time to reveal an early build in order to gain that critical feedback?


  • edited
    I've just started with the idea for my new game. This time I want to shape the game more around what its fan-base want. So instead of just minor changes in a later build, I would like to bring in main features according to feedback.
  • As soon as you have something to play.

    Before that and anyone who says they're interested is more concerned about their own interpretations of what you've said and will probably not care for your implementation. After that your game has a CHANCE of building a community. It has 0 chance of doing that if you don't let people play it.
  • Ninja'd by @dislekcia :)

    As soon as something moves to the player's commands and can show what interaction you're going for, show it.
  • Are there any websites dedicated to this. Something that gives me the right tools?
  • Tools for what?

    Playtesting = getting your game in front of people. Making that simpler is a matter of
    1) Making people more interested
    2) Making it easier to access

    sites like makes game exposure a bit easier, for example my page is where all my prototypes sit, together, and webplayer means people can play without download and those hassles. Though the recent Unity plugin woes have made it a bit less attractive than before. Also, I don't like that there are no apparent "update notices" on it to make sure people know that something has been updated, as well as the really difficult to customise game pages... But overall, I've found it useful.
  • sounds good, already familiar with it too.
  • If it's Unity3D you can do a Web Build...
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