Copy-pasting the same/similar reply to multiple threads

edited in General
I honestly think that people that come here not having contributed anything to any of the actual discussions, or not posting a game, and then advertising their 'services' in multiple threads, just aren't actually helping anybody. They look desperate and look like crap, and I end up with a whole bunch of "new" posts that say absolutely nothing. Any idea how people treat this elsewhere? Warn? Ban? Nothing?

[edit] Oh, I see they got deleted. Thanks! :)
Thanked by 3Fengol FanieG kidult


  • Yeah any chance of closing old threads in the job section? Might prevent people from nekro-ing old threads. Nothing says "hire me" like your inability to read the date of a work post....
    Thanked by 1Asbestos
  • Or perhaps they thought they hired in the past and took a chance hoping you might be hiring again?
  • And it was people from India or sumthing....which asks the question? make your own indian site?
  • Crocopede - The chances of an employer going back to check an old post again is pretty slim, so still not a good way to go about it. And about 95% of the time its people not checking the dates. I see they have been removed though.
  • Agreed.
    On topic perhaps look into the registration process. Saw some strange posts here once a while. Enlarge your thingies with pills etc.
  • edited
    I've been deleting spam like these posts since the site started. I'm pretty sure @Fengol and @Lexaquillia have been too.

    They're probably just taking longer to get nuked because we're busier than usual.
    Thanked by 2dammit damousey
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