Wormhole City, Sci-Fi PC Adventure Game

I'm a game developer and I would like to share my project and opportunity for you all,


Wormhole City, a sci-fi adventure with gravitational force physics, Metroidvania gameplay and vehicle sections so you can navigate upside down and sideways throughout a level. You play as an android reactivated and must protect Wormhole City while trying to find your missing creator. Exploring, vehicle sections, solving puzzles, enemy A.I. combat, and equipment upgrades are all implemented in the game. We aim to create a story-driven narrative through characters and audio logs that you will encounter and affect the story's outcome with the decisions you make.




We hope to involve the community in this project, if you like or share our project on social media, please e-mail us at zenrokstudios@outlook.com and we will include your name in the credits of our game!


  • Just checked the video and it looks amazing! You guys have obviously put a ton of work into this. Only negative from me is that in some areas , the balance between realistic and cartoon seems a bit off, but I`ve only seen the short video and so will hold out for a demo before making any real comments :)
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