Unreal Engine Friends :D

edited in General
Hi Everyone, for those who aren't living under a rock should have noticed that Unreal Engine 4 went for free to the public so to cut it a long story short, for those who are going to be working or playing around with UE4 add me on the Launcher "Crash" is my username. So let's be friends and make Unreal Engine big in South Africa :D
Thanked by 1Nitrogen


  • Added. Crocopede
  • Sweet - I like this idea! I think my username is Mikepote. I'll add you guys tonight when I get home.
  • Will add you tonight ... mine is qdelpeche or quintond@gobbogames.co.za ... you can also add a friend of mine matthewl@gobbogames.co.za
  • I will add you guys tonight aswell I think my user name is watson
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    Cool will add too.. iceblademush
  • Thanks for those who added me it's a great start so far!
  • Added you all.
    Name's GreatCthulhu

    Very keen to start playing with it.
  • Hi.

    We are running a skype group now also. Currently have 8 people on the group.
    Please add me dekock.lukas. or one of the other guys on here and we can add you to the group.

    We are planning a collaborative project. And we talk a bunch of nonesense there. Either way, if you working on something in UE4, we would love if you join.

    Always good to have people online that can help if you get stuck etc.

  • This is great! Saw it.
    MeoDmt Here, would be nice to work on something...
  • skype: morne.booysen
    whaaat now I kinda wish we made 3d games,
    but we still have loads to learn on 2d.
  • Ugh, I've been struggling to get it installed. I get "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). The Problem signature points at ntdll.dll being the culprit, but Googling this got me nothing to do with Unreal. :/

    Installing VS Community 2013 on the off chance that it actually fixes something, but I'm not very optimistic. :(
  • Well I hope you manage to get it up running , heres is a link to a video I watched last night , which got me excited
  • Hi. We are currently 13 in the group. Our collab project will be decided on Sunday. And then a few days to process the exact theme and mechanics. Once decided we will post a thread whats happening there. Never to late to join.
  • Huh, weird. Had to delete some dll files for the VC++ Redistributable to repair/update them properly. Anyway, it works now, yay! :) I'm Elyaradine on there, but between full time work and contracts and courses on the side, I'm unlikely to contribute to any collab projects.
  • edited
    Thats fine. Its also a good place just to quickly ask a question if you stuck with something. Glad its working.
    Most of time we just ask questions and moan if something isnt working. But a friendly bunch always willing to help anyone struggling with something.
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