Another mobile game - Sharksporter
WIth 3 games finished and being published the weekend, i am busy with a 4th one. Called Sharksporter.
Pretty simple.
Endless runner.
You drive a truck with upgrades available like bumper which allows you to crash more.
If you do reach your limit you crash. The shark in the back of the truck shoots out from the impact and lands on the driver. Eating him.
Truck is done. No gameplay yet. Should hopefully get it done very quickly once i learn how to do vehicles with trailers.
Not sure of so many wheels are supported. If not. Will build a custom solution
Truck is 1957 Verts. Took 1 day

WIth 3 games finished and being published the weekend, i am busy with a 4th one. Called Sharksporter.
Pretty simple.
Endless runner.
You drive a truck with upgrades available like bumper which allows you to crash more.
If you do reach your limit you crash. The shark in the back of the truck shoots out from the impact and lands on the driver. Eating him.
Truck is done. No gameplay yet. Should hopefully get it done very quickly once i learn how to do vehicles with trailers.
Not sure of so many wheels are supported. If not. Will build a custom solution
Truck is 1957 Verts. Took 1 day

Fortunately i am comfortable enough now with UE4 to push out concepts and games in short timeframes. 1 week a game There is still the occasional snag. For example it took me a day to come up with a solution for the trailer of the truck as i never worked with Vehicles before.
Even though its not the ideal simulation, its good enough for a endless runner / driver game.
Luckily major gameplay mechanics are done now.
Created content.
690 verts
Changes color per spawn to create a sense of variation.
494 verts
Animations are working as intended. Just need to place a driver in the seat.
Some FX still be added in the game. And the menu system. Should be done tomorrow night.'
But who cares. There is a flying shark
Didnt get to finish today. Completely forgot to make sound for the game. Hate making sound.
Modified the overall look of the game. Explosions were replaced with cartoony stuff. Modified textures to create a cleaner cartoonier feel.
Faked the shadows via using static meshes with spring arms, creating the illusion of shadows. But in fact there are no shadows. Just tranclucent materials. Cheaper to render than dynamic shadows. And i cant bake shadows on procedural generated levels.
I tweaked it a bit to create an out of control vehicle feel. Pretty happy so far.