Augmented Reality RPG/Hack 'n Slash Survival
Hi guys please check out my indiegogo campaign, I really need a little momentum to get people funding it. So even just a $3 contribution or a share would really help immensely.
It's an augmented reality RPG/hack 'n slash survival. You defeat each wave with the selective use of combining traps,wards,spells and perks. After each level up you can choose from a selection of 6 random perks (such as the survival Crimsonland)
Link to campaign:
By backing the campaign you get to come up with spells, get an early copy of the game and get exclusive monsters.
It's an augmented reality RPG/hack 'n slash survival. You defeat each wave with the selective use of combining traps,wards,spells and perks. After each level up you can choose from a selection of 6 random perks (such as the survival Crimsonland)
Link to campaign:
By backing the campaign you get to come up with spells, get an early copy of the game and get exclusive monsters.
Crowdfunding is hard. It usually requires a lot of both attention and planning to pull off, plus it's always best to try and crowdfund a game that's going to sell itself to people for you. If you're having a hard time crowdfunding something, there could be a number of reasons for that, but usually it comes down to a lack of planning/foresight and issues communicating why your particular game is awesome... Here are some of the problems I see with what you've put up at the moment:
I've read the test you posted and while I sympathise with your current situation (seriously, being out of work sucks), I don't know if that's going to work really well as a way to get people to donate. I think that you could probably use that angle for a Patreon or other continual donation site, but not for a campaign to produce a specific game - people are always going to be evaluating the game first and your personal situation second. I know that sucks, but it's just not something you should lead with... If you spent more time at the front the campaign talking about the game and how you're planning to make it wonderful, then only switched to explaining your personal situations AFTER people were already keen on reading further, it would probably work better.
That said, I think you need to work on explaining how and why your game is going to be wonderful... So your models and animations look really good, you're clearly talented in that area (I'm jealous - also, where are you in the country?). But the game itself doesn't communicate greatness to me right now. That could be for a number of reasons, but I'd suggest addressing the following question first:
Why AR? What does it add to the game right now? While I love hack and slash gameplay and you talking about choosing how to play (I prefer kiting) sounds delicious, I really don't want to have to hold my phone/tablet up and pointing at a surface all the time while playing a hack and slash. With your graphics skills, unless the AR really adds something to the gameplay, I'd hazard that it might even make the game feel less inviting... You could still use your storyline/concept about the hero trapped between the real and spirit worlds by having the player take a photo of an area and use that info to generate a set of enemies, or even fight in that locale if you feel like mapping the image to 3D space.
I wish you all the luck, especially in completing your game. I just don't think that crowdfunding is a reliable way to get you out of immediate financial emergencies and I worry that you're going to be disappointed by how the campaign goes.
On the AR side, I supported the campaign with a small donation, but only because I am curious as to see what the AR experience would be like, as I have a few AR projects I'm tinkering with myself. I don't see how AR complements the game at the moment.
Anyway, the animations / models look great!
Good luck, and I'm keeping an eye on your campaign. Hope it works out for you man!
and thanks for the contribution!