MGSA Promo Materials?

Do we have anything to represent and/or explain what MGSA is that we could take with us to GDC? Something like business cards or pamphlets to trigger a follow up if we talk incubator investment or 'africa tech outreach jam' with people. Erm, that should probably come with a briefing of what MGSA might be looking for when we speak to people. ;)

If we want to get something made up, the time is upon us.


  • Could I also get MGSA business cards, if they're going, since I land up talking to a lot of people about us...even managed to find someone in my hospital ward >.<
  • I suspect this isn't actually a thing we have yet, hmmm.

    Would it be useful to volunteer to start the process to make stuff, how would this work?
  • We have some stuff we sent to government. I can share it here if you don't mind dolling it up for GDC?
  • What are we looking for, exactly?
    A - "MGSA business cards" - are they personalised? I can't imagine everyone, getting personalised MGSA branded business cards.
    B - So I guess we're talking about business cards that aren't business cards but actually contain some info regarding MGSA, like website, mandate, etc. Like a super short brochure?
    C - Otherwise, are we looking for brochures? Pamphlets? Something that we can use as a leave-behind whenever we mention MGSA to other people?
    D - I assume this will be in addition to our personal credentials - so we have our personal business cards, then have this MGSA component in addition? So, how about a sticker that goes on our own business cards? Probably will disrupt our own personal cards, so probably won't work.
    E - Or, some kind of element that we all work into our own business cards? But that's impractical too as we can't expect everyone to re-design and reprint their own business cards.

    So I think B - business card sized leave-behind "pamphlet" type things with basic info regarding MGSA - is what we're looking for, right? Printing can be done, but turnaround time is typically a week, so we're really pushing up against that if we want to get that done for GDC. It could be shorter if we go for smaller quantity bespoke printing, or we just sheet print it and cut it up ourselves, but that'll be a bit unprofessional and be more expensive overall.
    Thanked by 1damousey
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    My thought was functionally C but with the practical handover/simplicity of B, yes, exactly what that paragraph at the bottom says, @Tuism (Sorry, brain's doing the multithreading thing)

    I'm pretty certain we can still get a decent, pro printed batch made before we leave. I've had batches of 1000, double sided made overnight before. But yes, we do need to be quick about it.

    @Fengol, that would be useful, yes please.
  • Ok easiest would be to first decide what we need on this material - this MGSA business card. Let's keep it brief and to the point. What is the point?

    Makegamessa logo
    Contact details? URL is of primary importance. Then?
    Phone number? (I don't like this as it's gonna be locked to a person)
    Email? (Do we have a general MGSA email? There should be one shouldn't there?)
    Brief description - what's important for people to know about MGSA? "Game Maker's Association of South Africa" is all good and well, but it feels like we need more specific stuff. Legal entity? Government ties? Something? NIck @lexaquilia? (god I hope I spelled that correctly)
  • Like, all I want is a business-card sized thing that I can keep a few of in my wallet so that when I tell people about MGSA (which I do a lot), I can just hand them the card and then they don't have to remember/write anything down.
    Thanked by 2damousey dammit
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    @dislekcia - could you give us a brief overview of what you tell people about?

    I tell people "Hey we got an association of game makers, we have monthly meetups in Joburg, CT and Durban, and if you're interested at all in making games (and who doesn't? It's effing awesome), check our forum out! Join our meetups! We're a friendly bunch!" - give URL.

    Is that basically it? Is there more?
  • I would literally have it as

    Logo - Make Games SA
    South African Association of Game Makers
    Email (i think it's
    Twitter & Facebook
    Monthly events in JHB and Cape Town!
    Regular competitions on our forums.

    Boom, done.

    Everything else you have in the conversation - it's just that people need that URL to get to it again. We don't need it to be written like a pamphlet ("come to our website!") because the conversation will already have done that.
    Thanked by 1damousey
  • I'd propose even cleaner:

    Logo - Make Games SA
    South African Association of Game Makers
    Email (i think it's
    Twitter & Facebook

    Because if you're talking about investment, future incubators and places to spend your donation dollars for bursaries then "Monthly events in JHB and Cape Town! & Regular competitions on our forums" is not an upsell.

    I think it need to be as universal as possible.
  • And this is why we're having this conversation - everyone thinks they're right :)

    I agree that we're taking this to GDC, "monthly meetups" is not going to mean much to anyone we hand this to over there. Unless we meet South Africans.... Nope. Unless we meet people who are impressed with meetups and "regular competitions"... Admittedly I can't think of a situation/person with whom this might resonate (in a meaningful way) over there.

    I still wonder if there are things we can include to upsell us to investors and potential partners. For example, Humble. What would make pique their interest? (Not that we need to, we already have an in apparently, but thinking along those lines. Let's say we're building a relationship with Desura?

    I don't know the answers so I'm asking. The answer might be "nothing more than what we proposed above". Which is fine too. We just need to get it finalised today. I can make up a business card.
  • What @damousey said would work for the settings I talk about MGSA in - especially at GDC.

    We might want to include bullet points of what we do, but right now that's not as important as actually just having something that I can send to some printers. (Bullet points probably require more discussion and normalising though, because I have no idea if "Lobbying govt" is a worthwhile thing to put there).

    I'd suggest a tagline of something like "Supporting and addressing the unique problems of the South African game development industry", but that's really just a talking point.
  • Ooookay:

    Version 1 has two punch holes for making the card flash with the aid of two elastic bands, because it's fun.
    <img src="" />

    Version 2 is not fun :)
    <img src="" />

    Double sided, no name on the red side because seeing the red side makes you wonder "eh?" and turn to the front side.

    Have at it!
    1036 x 822 - 47K
    1036 x 822 - 43K
  • I'll take a 100 please
  • @Tuism, dude, so much love. Keep being excellent.

    I don't know what you mean by the rubber band thing, like spinning? :D
  • edited
    I'll let Johnny Depp show you what rubber band thing :P

    If (mostly) everyone's in agreement, who do I send the PDF to to get printed before GDC dawns on us? Omg I'm flying Wednesday. OMG OMG OMGOGMOMG OMG
    Thanked by 1TheFuntastic
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    Can we change the blurb in the red section to something matching our constitution? Something like "Promoting and growing a sustainable game development industry in South Africa through education".

    It's less negative that "addressing unique problems"

    Section 4 of our constituion:
    The Organisation’s main objectives are to;
     Promote and develop the game development industry in South Africa;
     Act as a voice piece for the game development community in South Africa;
     Act as a community hub for game developers in South Africa;
     Assist game developers in establishing sustainable businesses; and
     Promote proper game development education
  • I'm with @Fengol on this - Otherwise, superb.
  • I don't know about being negative - i feel like "addressing unique problems" is much more direct, can lead to people talking about the whole google merch account thing, government issues thing, etc.

    "Promoting and growing a sustainable game development industry in South Africa through education" feels generic. And granted that it *is* what it is, it feels necktie to me.

    But nevermind, I'll go with whatever the consensus is. Go for it guys. I'll drop in whatever the consensus ends up being. Go go go.
  • I prefer @fengol's version.

    However, the inclusion of "through education" makes the whole sentence ambiguous. It makes it seem like our entire organisation achieves "Promoting and growing a sustainable game development industry in South Africa" through education - when in reality it's only part.

    Just having "Promoting and growing a sustainable game development industry in South Africa." would be better.

    Something more colloquial might also be cool: "Helping South Africans make cool games anyway we can." - it might juxtapose the more formal nature of the white side. It's more friendly and kind of sums up our goals neatly.
    Thanked by 2dislekcia dammit
  • edited
    I'm happy if the "through education" is dropped. I wanted to include something about education based on our constitution but I couldn't get it to fit nicely.

    I'm also for making the phrase more colloquial. Don't forget I have a day job so I tend to think corporate :P

    "Making making games a business in South Africa"
  • "Sim Game Devs SA" + box art :)

    (of course I'm just kidding)
  • OK in case I'm not around the internet/computer later and things need to get moving, here are the open Illustrator and PDF files.

    Please print a bunch so that we can all have them with us when we're possibly talking to interesting people :)
    Thanked by 1damousey
  • Challenges > Problems.
    Thanked by 1Bensonance
  • edited
    What about:

    "Giving game development a voice in South Africa"
  • edited
    Besides finangling the tone of the blurb, I'd really like to explore what sort of numbers we're looking for.

    We need to look at costs and time and and actually talk to printers to do that we need numbers

    Scenario 1: We're still in time to organise a Litho or screen print run, this is cheaper in bulk but requires set up time ( I expect the option of this scenario closes around midday today (Friday)), I'll confirm this.

    Let's say cards here have a minimum batch number of 500 in the region of R320-R370

    So let's use R70 for 100 cards

    How many are you buying?

    the tentative list:

    - @Lexaquilla 100
    - @dislekcia 100
    - [ ]
    - [ ]
    - [ ] (3 more slots because this scenario depends on a minimum of 500)

    This scenario will also depend on the practical logistics of getting them to GDC/distributed between us, if that's organising a pickup with somebody leaving a day later etc

    Scenario 2 We go with a digital print, this is more costly but offers more flexibility with regards to time and batch size.

    The figures I have for this basically equate to about R2 per card

    How many cards are you buying for right now if we can't get the cheaper option sorted in time?

    - @dislekcia 's 100 from above

    Scenario 3 Figures like scenario 1, but minus the time pressure. Those of us without the immediate need, we take our time and make a larger bulk order a bit later when everybody has had a chance to get on board, pushing the price lower. This scenario would probably also play out with a printer in Joburg since they're cheaper, generally.

    META COMMENT: this isn't a promise I'll get this done, I'm probably already spreading myself a bit thin, but I will try. Also, Admins, I'm running on assumptions about the way we do things here, looking at the t shirt thread etc, If I'm out of line in any way please help me out.

    Also plz spread the word about this quickly, not everybody who would want these cards is going to drop by here in time, but lets try to get it to enough people in enough time.
  • @Damousey I'll take the other 300 to bulk up to 500 (or whatever the minimum iorder is)
    Thanked by 1damousey
  • If we quickly run to a Jetline or a Minuteman to see how quickly they can do the print (Minuteman I find to be more helpful in clutch timing situations), we should be able to get a standard box of business card deals. Those would be a good quality (not pixelly text as I've usually found with digital prints) and price. I think it's 500 cards. We can always keep a stockpile of excess stuff for future use - they won't ever not find use.
  • Jetliner is very rigid in their approach here. They won't budge on a 7 day turn around. Minute man deals primarily with scenario 2's digital printing.I'm basically looking for that sweet spot in between.
  • edited
    Yeah I know Jetline are anal about it, they basically run exactly the way they run, no leeway. That's why I suggested Minuteman perhaps. If we can find a middle ground then great, but I don't know any, personally.

    When is everyone flying to GDC? What's the actual deadline here? I'm flying Wednesday.

    Alternatively, and this is probably risky, can we get it printed in the US?
  • UPDATE, contacted a slew of printshops, 4 of them are churning the quote mill to make scenario 1 real, so I should have an answer soon.

    In the meantime, what o we want that blurb to say?


    1. Making making games a business in South Africa
    2.Giving game development a voice in South Africa
    3.Striving for South Africa's game making voice
    4. Challenges | Opportunity - South African Game Dev
    5. Supporting and addressing the unique problems of the South African game development industry
    6.Promoting and growing a sustainable game development industry in South Africa
    7.Helping South Africans make cool games anyway we can
  • results coming in from printers are saying Scenario1is not really an option

    best Scenario 2 prices so far:

    300 for R454.54
    500 for R486.47

    quite a bit cheaper(half at 500) than the information I had above, I think this printshop has a better setup for cutting, giving us a better sweet spot.

    Do we go ahead with a 500 order here?
  • I like 6 too, it's clean and to the point.

    I appreciate humour and cleverness, but I suspect the versatility of this need cleaner.
  • In other news, I just got a quote from our local minuteman, 1300mm x 800mm die cut vinyl stickers seem to be R312 - which is a really good option for printing out a bunch of vinyl stickers to take along.

    Of course I'm not saying go fourth and stick them everywhere and mess up their con and hijack branding space, I believe they had a problem with that? It's just a nice tool for marketing yourself, giving them to people personally. Making sure they don't stick them irresponsibly.
  • If going with 6 then the attached file a few posts up is ready to go, grab it and go!
  • Tuism said:
    In other news, I just got a quote from our local minuteman, 1300mm x 800mm die cut vinyl stickers seem to be R312 - which is a really good option for printing out a bunch of vinyl stickers to take along.

    Of course I'm not saying go fourth and stick them everywhere and mess up their con and hijack branding space, I believe they had a problem with that? It's just a nice tool for marketing yourself, giving them to people personally. Making sure they don't stick them irresponsibly.
    hmmmmm, I like it, generally.
    that price is for how many?

  • It's a giant sheet, die cut however you want. So you provide one file for the image, and another for the die cut. You're responsible for making sure enough bleed etc.
  • aaah, I get it, interesting.

    Personally I'd contribute to making that a thing, it is worthwhile to me, but I have to bow out of planning and design atm. Generally I trust your sensibilities though, please explore it.
  • Oh I was talking about in general, it's something to keep in mind for anyone. Take a bunch of stickers of your own game/company to GDC if you can. In fact, let me post this elsewhere.
  • Did these get printed in the end? I'm sitting waiting for my flight so... Just thought I'd check.
  • They did. We'll bring them to the CT meetup tonight. And to GDC of course.
    Thanked by 1Tuism
  • @Tuism, we weren't holding out on you, I'd just arrived from picking them up.
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