Maintenance 18-02-2015 Beta Live than Dead
With the stunning efforts of @Nitrogen, the unique MGSA theme is now available!
It's still in Beta but good enough to go live with and let members go wild.
Note a special feature is the ability to personally switch between the Light (default) theme and a Dark version through editing your profile (see pic).
<img src="" />
There are still some bugs to sort out but please report anything unexpected on this thread.
Thank you for your patience while we finalise the new theme.
It's still in Beta but good enough to go live with and let members go wild.
Note a special feature is the ability to personally switch between the Light (default) theme and a Dark version through editing your profile (see pic).
<img src="" />
There are still some bugs to sort out but please report anything unexpected on this thread.
Thank you for your patience while we finalise the new theme.

640 x 372 - 46K
Thanked by 1Tuism
Also the insert image code for attachments is HTML instead of BBCode.
Also, yes the image resizing is not working for some strange reason, will take a look at it.
@Karuji, you are correct, the line-heights in the text box are waaay off, will add it to the list!
I followed a link to an mgsa post that didn't have'd a 'www' attached and landed on a parallel version that didn't recognize my login, could we maybe have one cookie for both, or redirectiness/ url cleaning? I'm actually wondering now if the feeling of being logged out unexpectedly or "latest" being reset actually has to do with this now.
I suspect it might not be trivial to make the login extend to www and non-www versions, but it is very easy to add a non-destructive (doesn't break old URLs) redirect that goes from one version to the other. We just need to choose which one is the "correct" version, and then redirect the other one.
The MGSA business cards have the non-www version, so I suggest we use that. In that case, just add the following lines to the ".htaccess" file in the root of the web hosting (probably a "public_html" folder), and everything should be dandy: