F: Wazoo Tanks
So I did this in 1/2 a day, and not sure I will have time to complete this in time. (yeah my wife is like 39-40 weeks pregnant, so anything can happen right now)
I thought I'd just post it in any case, to see if you can help me with ideas on how to make an actual game out of this?
I'm thinking some kinda local 2 player where you have to throw each other with building blocks, or build together (may grappling hooks also).. kinda arena puzzle tank game. Either completely block each other, or work together on some common goal.
Oh here are the files:
Game Maker Studio
I'm kinda hoping I can make a small html5 game with this, otherwise I cannot justify working further on it.
At the moment the red and green blocks don't really interact with the tanks much. I like that the ground is wobbly, and the tanks have those purple circles on suspension that allow them to drive over rough surfaces... but even when shooting out a ton of red blocks it didn't build the terrain much. The green blocks especially don't stick around.
Maybe experiment with the blocks becoming more of a permanent terrain feature, and see if strategic building strategies arrise?
I cannot believe I never played or knew of Scorched Earth as a kid in the 80ties, we we played the cr*p out of the Qbasic Gorillas game
But even today still I do not yet know how to do destructible terrain, like here and in worms 2d...
If anyone has an example in GMS of destructible terrain I'd like to see it.
Also, it may not be the best implementation, but I wrote an experimental Worms-style destructible terrain system in GM7 a few years ago. I'm not promising it's GOOD, and I never turned it into a full game, but you can get the old GMK file here to see how I went about it. It seems to import fine: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59235601/DeformTerrainPlatformer.gmk
Will share updates on the code, if we make it.
Ooh thank you for the example, downloading now.
I thought this would be the way to approach it, unfortunately as you mention it is quite slow when it processes the new collision terrain sprite from the temp surface. Still it is a good example, and it works as a starting point. Thank you.