Code4CT looking for tutors to teach post-matrics HTML, CSS and Javascript
Thought I should forward this to anyone who might be interested.
Reaching out to Code4CT could also be quite a good starting point if we wanted to do gamdev outreach type stuff?
Code4CT, a project of Innovate South Africa, is running a two-week program that aims to teach girls HTML, CSS and Javascript. We hope to give them exposure to the IT field, and broaden their skill set by teaching them how to develop websites.
We are running a course for recent post-matrics. This is the first time we are running the program for post-matrics and we are excited to see if this can help learners find opportunities other than university.
We are in need of tutors who are willing to dedicate their time between 26 -30 January 2015 to help tutor and mentor the girls. We will be using Dash and Codecademy for the lessons. Tutors don't need to have advanced knowledge of the web languages; basic knowledge will suffice.
The program will run from 9am- 4pm at the Woodstock Exchange, and a transport stipend can be provided.
Our final presentation day will happen on 7 February 2015, and it would be amazing if tutors were able to attend.
Interested persons can contact Ange on 11anguwa[At]gmail[Dot]com
If you could also pass this along to anyone who might be interested, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanked by 1Elyaradine
Check out this link to get an idea:
@TheFuntastic Same here. Hopefully it will catch the eye of someone with more time.
Its a very good thing that you took an approach that other people never take. I wish I could do the same here since I have seen how my 14 year old brother is doing with code and he is now reading his second book in game programming. This kids are the future and they know how to play with code better than we can ever imagine. We should not waste time and think they have to have certain level of mathematical aptitude b4 they learn how to code. I have seen my younger math marks greatly improving after he learned how to code and that goes for all the other subjects..
I wish I could do something similar in Pretoria, so that I show people how much they can empower themselves though code. I just don't know how to go about organizing people and getting sponsored. But I will somehow try, even if it starts with 1 hour coding sessions on the garage after school... I think code will change the way we approach life. Keep up the good work, and let this not be a few days conference for those girls and they continue to pass the knowledge to others, even their parents...
Game Programmers are Mutants