L4D2 Tournament :: Indie Team vs Indie Team

Hey Guys

The RetroEpic team have been keen on setting up some L4D2 versus matches between the local indie dev companies and - I thought - instead of contacting each company separately, what about having a tournament-type thing?

Who would be keen to play a little competitive L4D2 to find out which indie dev company is more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse? Ideally, a team would need to be all completely from a single company...though I think some exceptions can be made if the company is smaller than 4 people (but no one should be playing for more than 1 company in the tournament).


  • If anyone shorts a player i'm your man.

    Reasons to add me to your roster :

    Can do Extreme hunter pounces, excellent boomer ambushes, charge an entire team into a corner, and smoke someone at the moment it matters.

    Also i do not miss with a sniper rifle as a survivor. I got your back.

    That is all.
  • I'd be quite keen, except I simply can't play online. The internet is just too slow :\ Actually haven't been able to play a game online in many a year. Could be as a result of having 4 PC's on the same connection; I'm not sure.

    Will have to stick to LAN for the time being :\
  • But... why not dota :D
  • You won't see us coming at all... literally... the lag is going to be that much in our favour (conversely we may not see you coming, but we've trained under these conditions plenty)
  • raithza said:
    But... why not dota :D
    Next tournament - I promise I'll organise Dota :) Though...I think we only have 1 or 2 players from our company...

  • I'm pretty sure we could manage a QCF team.
    Thanked by 2dammit Squidcor
  • What we lack in talent, practice and teamwork we make up for in smacktalk... newbs!
    Thanked by 1dammit
  • I can join if someone needs one more member on their team.
    I am one of the most average gamers out there, I'm good in everything, and a master in few.
    (If so, I will just need to copy the game data from someone to play).
    I'm located in Pretoria.
  • Sadly I do not own L4D2. So I guess this is also a +1 vote for Dota 2 :P
  • This is awesome! Sadly Clockwork Acorn has never played L4D2. I do own it (got it for free one December holiday), but not all of us do so we won't be able to make it.

    I'm sure we'd be in for a Dota tournament though. :)
  • +1 for dota. My teamie doesnt have L4D2
  • +1 for dota again
  • If actually owning games is a big deal perhaps TF2 is a good idea? Hell, I'd love to resurrect the old TF2 Game.Dev matches.
  • Sounds cool but we are only 2 people... And my wife is expecting anytime this next month so availability will be an issue
  • Vote Quake Live. Its free. Its action packed. And it allows for a 1-man team to take on 4 people in TDM :)
    Obviously the 1 man team will always win. Unless the mode is CA.
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