A: Cate Archer
I'll be honest: I never did get to play No One Lives Forever. But I did watch a good couple of hours of a friend playing (because, for some reason, I enjoy watching...)! I was a big fan of the 70s, bright neon art, and I think it'll be fun to try and keep some of her curves while going low-res. :D
Here she is so far...
I was doing it with the ref above, but I think the outward curving hairstyle is the more iconic one, so I'll redo that bit after I've gotten some sculpting homework done. :) Also needs some polish on the hands, maybe the face.
Here she is so far...
I was doing it with the ref above, but I think the outward curving hairstyle is the more iconic one, so I'll redo that bit after I've gotten some sculpting homework done. :) Also needs some polish on the hands, maybe the face.
And before/after, for fun:
Only crit I can remotely think of is her front foot looking like it has an odd lump behind it (with the boot and all), and that's after staring at the pic for a minute or two.
I think it looks cool! For some reason I think the head mmmmmay be a bit "back", with her chin right on the centre line just on her cleavage, and that bit of black outline under the belt makes her seem... boopy. I thought it could be a skirt but it didn't terminate after either.
Maybe give the hairband abit less symmetry, cos it's conflicting in 3-dimensionality with the rest of the figure (a bit like the chin/cleavage thing).
Sorry, they're all just minor niggles :) You has a good work there! :D Black outline's great, if my dwarves could have outlines I'd totally use them :D (they can't cos they animate in parts)
Jokes aside, yeah the calve part seem a bit too far out, maybe bring it in a tad. Just noticed the detail shading there, love it, nicely detailed :)
I tried moving the head forward, but imo it looked worse.