Let South Africans be able to have Google Play Merchant capabilities

Help South African game developers by signing this petition to bring Google Play Merchant capabilities to South Africa.


  • Not to be negative, but has any petition every worked anywhere?

    I doubt Google doesn't support it because they forgot, or because they didn't get an email with some digital signatures. It's either because they don't see the merit in supporting us, or because of other blocking factors (like laws, tax etc). I'm leaning towards the former, because companies like Microsoft support SA just fine.
    Thanked by 1dammit
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    @roguecode Normally I would agree with you, but I think this is a case where it could work. The point here is to show them how much interest there is. Then they can decide whether it's still not worth it or not.

    Maybe their market research was extensive enough that they already know this, but maybe not.

    Edit: There might be a better way to go about this than a petition, but I think it's a better example of such a petition than those you usually see floating around.
  • I have some concern that the petition is basically taking a form of a rant, instead of a well constructed plea to Google.

    I did sign it, as this is the first attempt of a petition for this that I'm aware of.
  • Could you have another look at the petition content and see if it's better?
    I changed the form so that it has more valid points and seem less like a rant. Thanks for the opinion.
    critic said:
    I have some concern that the petition is basically taking a form of a rant, instead of a well constructed plea to Google.

    I did sign it, as this is the first attempt of a petition for this that I'm aware of.
  • It asks me for a donation when i try to sign.
  • What?? Seriously? Could you use the snipping tool and show? I'll move the petition if that's the case.
    Crocopede said:
    It asks me for a donation when i try to sign.
  • What I've always found incredibly strange about this is that South Africans can receive Google Adwords payments (I do, every other month, for a couple of websites). So it's not like they don't have the ability or experience with payments to South Africa.
  • A promo type video for the petition c:
  • Hmm. Sorry, but the video really doesn't grab me in the slightest... The text isn't great to read with that blue/green gradient thing going on and the logic at the end about game development being the answer to unemployment? That's simply not true - game development is incredibly risky.

    Those are cool android dunnies though, my girlfriend would kill for the blue one.
  • @dislekcia Alrighty , I'll make a new one.
  • Mitch said:
    @dislekcia Alrighty , I'll make a new one.
    No offense, but I don't understand why you're making them in the first place? Making a video reach people is work too...
  • @dislekcia Two reasons:
    1.To shed light on the matter.
    2.Get more people to sign the petition.
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    I signed. The donation thing went away after refreshing a few times. Still i think the approach will yield minimal results. Some traction is needed.

    Perhaps contacting mygaming and other local news websites / companies to help spread the word. It is not just gaming that is affected.

    If you take all the local gamers, and then also all the local app developers there might be more attention to this.
    However im pretty sure 80% if our dev populace has no clue this petition exists.

    Videos are ok i guess. But i think a well written press release sent to all applicable local sites would have more impact.
  • @Crocopede True , think all of us should make an effort if we want to do something about this though. If anyone has a way of reaching a lot of people like a large local fan base please share it c:
  • This seems like something that something that MGSA as an organization could/should get involved in to me. Not being able to legitimately distribute to Android devices is an issue that would heavily affect any local devs looking at mobile. It's as relevant as any of the initiatives to get government funding and recognition IMO
  • mattbenic said:
    This seems like something that something that MGSA as an organization could/should get involved in to me. Not being able to legitimately distribute to Android devices is an issue that would heavily affect any local devs looking at mobile. It's as relevant as any of the initiatives to get government funding and recognition IMO
    We have been. I've written in other threads how contacting the head of games for Google Play went, even after wonderful introductions.

    Ideas on how the MGSA can be more useful on this would be appreciated. Note that contacting Google through normal means, contacting Google through high level connections and contacting Google through specific introductions via other game distributors does not seem to work.
  • Just dropping this here.
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    dislekcia said:
    We have been. I've written in other threads how contacting the head of games for Google Play went, even after wonderful introductions.

    Ideas on how the MGSA can be more useful on this would be appreciated. Note that contacting Google through normal means, contacting Google through high level connections and contacting Google through specific introductions via other game distributors does not seem to work.
    Ok, good. No specific ideas right now if you've already approached Google corp locally and internationally. If I think of any I'll pass them on. Regarding asking insiders, one of our local devs mentioned that a contact he has in a different division there couldn't even find out more. Seems they're not too communicative between divisions :/

  • Perhaps if MGSA can contact the press to garner some support from the public.
    Im pretty sure the press will respond much better to MGSA than an individual contacting them.

    The question is who here can write an awesome Press Release
    Thanked by 1Mitch
  • Crocopede said:
    Perhaps if MGSA can contact the press to garner some support from the public.
    Im pretty sure the press will respond much better to MGSA than an individual contacting them.

    The question is who here can write an awesome Press Release
    Local press doesn't move any needles. International press has already been spoken to - we raised this with everyone we spoke to at Gamescom - they're surprised that Play doesn't support SA, but it's not a unique problem. Some of them helped us reach higher ups at Google.

    What we really need isn't a press campaign (although I feel like a groundswell video would be cool, I like the other thread about this) it's a game doing gangbusters on iOS and people clamoring to buy it on Android. That's what would give SA a thing Google might want.

    So. Go make awesome games, I guess.
    Thanked by 2roguecode Mitch
  • A blockbuster would help.
    I was implying that the press releases would make other developers aware of the petition.
    Raising numbers.
    Thanked by 1Mitch
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