[Prototype] Modular Buildings
Been fiddling with Modular Building generation, it's a coding challenge on Infinity forums. Thinking of how to make a game based on this, something with very limited and well defined scope. Any feedback is welcome.
Due to using some external plugins, web version is not available.
Due to using some external plugins, web version is not available.
What sort of things would you like to do with buildings if you could manipulate them?
It might sound like an odd thing to say, but, making a game in order to utilize a coding exercise is a bit of an awkward constraint. All my experience is the other way around (as in the code is constrained by the game design).
I do have some ideas for a game based on this, using Android as the platform.
-Compare and match
Player is given some buildings and a master building, he needs to pick the master building out of the displayed set
Building is on fire, it spreads, player needs to direct the fire hose and put the fire out
Zombies are in the building, player shoots the zombies as they pass by the windows
Colorful people are walking around the buildings, player needs to direct as many people to the right building
Here's maybe a suggestion to add to your list of possible avenues.
What about a Triple Town-like. You've already got buildings which you can generate to be arbitrarily high, so maybe a game where you combine two or three buildings to make a bigger shinier building.
I mean, maybe you could make a city-building-lite game, where, instead of a complicated simulation, you match buildings to develop your city. You could even add some sort of currency that matching buildings produces, or large buildings produce over time. If you're earning money from buildings, and it costs money to build/match new buildings, you might be able to get a sort of city-building feeling without all that complexity.
If you like this idea, have a look at Triple Town (there used to be a free Face Book version I believe) and maybe games like Threes, or 2048.
In any case. Good luck in this endeavor!
Thanks for the suggestions, I'm gonna do some market research and see what I come up with. Right now, my thoughts are that the best action for me is to get back to working on Space Duty, my current break produced two Android games, pursuing this as the next break when the coding gets too deep sounds like a good idea.