"Indie" versions of MODO and MARI now on Steam

These are tools originally developed for work on Avatar. They are now on Steam with "indie" versions as well as subscription models.


MODO is a sculpting tool and MARI is for painting on 3D models.



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    Sweet, the foundry's products are really amazing and the people who work there are really nice! I work for them indirectly through a contracting company. I'm happy to see this, although I find it hard to use their tools. But then again, I am not experienced in any sort of 3D modeling/texturing tools.

    PS. For those that aren't aware, as @rusty mentioned, MARI is used extensively in the film industry, and was used in avatar and game of thrones (and countless others). I think it was also used in the Witcher 3. I imagine this will give the world prettier games (not that that is what games are about)
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