[Prototype] Tanis

edited in Projects
Let me make this short, I started a new prototype once more around a week ago and now I find myself disinterested in continuing the project as I can no longer see the fun in it from when I started. I still have the vision and the energy but it just doesn't seem fun any more, has any of you had/have this problem? What is the best solution/advice you could give me, I would appreciate any?


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    585 x 699 - 44K
    Thanked by 3Ratel Tuism wogan
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    @Fengol Ya let me go do that, work on my speech that is.... :p
  • Hey,

    I constantly have this "problem" except its not a problem at all. The reason we/I prototype is to find the fun or lack thereof. So in this case you have discovered that the fun is not there. Usually I just do another prototype because I have this long backlog of stuff to try.
  • So let me get this right :)

    You think you've found that the prototype you're working on isn't fun... And that's a problem?

    Let me ask you this. What do you think a prototype's purpose is? To automatically become a game? Or to find out if something is fun or not?

    If A) you're wrong, if B)... What's the problem?

    You've found what you need to find out.


    Everyone here has a string of failed prototypes behind them. FACT. There's nothing wrong with that at all. It's just a simple matter of fact, really :)
  • Upload a web build if you can. Maybe some positive feedback from others can get you motivated again. Or as Tu said, move on to the next great idea. You might even find that you come back to it later.
  • I think I'm going to push through til I have a small test level and then post the prototype here, it looks like the best option right now.
    Thanked by 2vintar damousey
  • Post it. Get feedaback. Go from there.
    Thanked by 2damousey tbulford
  • Yes I utterly left out the most important test of knowing whether something is good or not. YOU don't decide that. If I did, Dead Run wouldn't have been released last sunday XD

    OTHER PEOPLE decide that. Show. Observe. As early as you can. Show. SHOW!!!
    Thanked by 1damousey
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    Ok here is a very quick build, I still need to put in the tractor beam and repair beam but for now this is it. Think I will rename this thread for it and move it to Projects.
    Thanked by 1vintar
  • Is it just me or does everybody not see the build link here?
  • I'm really sorry I am struggling my as* off with my internet at the moment and the forum or my computer does not want me to edit my previous post, here is the windows build link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iswe1abzyygieoy/Tanis.zip?dl=0
  • I'm really sorry I am struggling my as* off with my internet at the moment and the forum or my computer does not want me to edit my previous post
    Its not just you, even before the maintenance I always find this the most frustrating forum to get anything to work, or at least work quickly.

    About the game. It was cool. I would have the background scrolling ever so slowly to give you more of a sense of being out in space. Also, and this is really just my preference, I would just bind one key to movement and follow the mouse position. IE you just press forward to move and it goes wherever the mouse is pointing. Of course that would stop a "retreat and fire" type attack, but I guess you could have forwards and backwards and still have it follow the mouse.

    Thanked by 1Ratel
  • @vintar Thanks for checking it out, I'm planning on implementing the scrolling background tomorrow, I have three movement options ready to implement I just commented them out and one of those is the one you talked about.
    I have created 5 others ships to cycle between already just have not given the option to do so to the player, I think tomorrow I will give this prototype my last push then give the "final" version and see how the input looks from you guys/girls in the comming week.
    Back to Mordor for some further crafting :)
  • Ok worked on the prototype all day, got missles for the player added and the repair beam is working, got 2 bugs left in the doors I'm implementing and they break the game so I cant post the prototype like that, wil post an update in the comming week.
  • So I worked on the prototype and added a few new things.
    WASD for movement, Left shift for tractor beam, R for repair beam, Left click fires a bullet and Right click fires a missile.
    Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iswe1abzyygieoy/Tanis.zip?dl=0
    As stated previously any feedback is appreciated!
  • Still can't edit post above so I apologize, added notes, the first door you encounter needs to be repaired using stored energy, debris around you can provide needed energy. There is no end to the game so rage quit please or go game over.
  • Adding a screenshot of your game so people can see what it is.


    Your bullets need to be A LOT bigger; the size of the asteroids preferably.

    I can't figure out how to leave the first room and I found I can't move and shoot at the same time?
    1042 x 815 - 125K
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    Use the tractor beam (left shift) to collect the asteroids, it will give you energy that will enable you to use the repair beam (r key) on the door. Gave too few details sorry.

    Will look into the moving and shooting and bullet size, thanks for having a look @Fengol!
  • (I wish you had started another thread for your prototype) On the original topic of getting demotivated and not finding your stuff fun, which I'm going through at the moment, here's some very good advice:

  • Got into the arena but the enemy ships are so small! They're also uninteresting as they just sit there and shoot.

    Not much more comment I can make until you've worked on the prototype some more; but having to collect the asteroids to open the door to get to meat of the game is a painful process to do each time you die.
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    @Nitrogen Ya should have started a new thread, don't know if it's to late now. Thanks for the link I will have a look at it shortly.

    @Fengol Ok do you mean the enemies must dodge bullets or maneuver? I will try and edit the map to more balanced, no long struggling before getting to the meat of the game. Thanks for the feedback

    Edit: @Fengol If you are referring to the red enemy ships being small that's my dumdass fault -_- I went and made the body black and turret red, will fix that sorry.
  • Ok time to start over, I have been away from the PC since Christmas and the last week I have been wondering how to make the prototype better, although there where many good suggestions I feel I modeled it on a "story" instead of good mechanic ideas.
    So for now I'm putting this on the redundant pile and starting on something new, I do have to say the prototype is not such a train smash seeing as it is my first try with unity.
    So to all who made suggestions and played thank you very much!
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