[Event] Global Game Jam 23-25 January 2015

edited in Events
Hey everyone,

The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is going to be happening again at the end of next month (next year!) on the 23-25 January 2015.

Last years GGJ thread
Last years games in one thread


Here is a link for more information about the jam:

All the information on venues, cost and sign-up is on the GGJ site for each location.

Cape Town


When: Friday, 23 Jan 17:00 - Sunday, 25 Jan 15:00
Where: Cape Town & Johannesburg (see above links)

Finally here is an awesome video made by @Merrik at last years GGJ in Cape Town:


  • I heard from the Bandwidth Barn the other day that they plan on hosting two other Cape Town locations - one in Woodstock and one in Khayelitsha. I think they'll be providing equipment in those locations.

    I'm sure more details will follow from them directly, but for those who might want to expand their social circles and perhaps work with very different team members, perhaps you may want to venture to a new location?
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    I'm glad the Bandwidth Barn is getting involved, but I question holding another jam site in Woodstock. It's really close to UCT and I think it would unnecessarily fragment our relatively small group of jammers. I hope they would rather help with sponsoring/providing equipment at UCT (or better yet, put more resources into the Khayelitsha site).<br>
  • @Creative360 - I had the same questions and concerns which I voiced with the organiser, but he stated that he was actually in contact with (I presume Patrick) about this arrangement... I'm hoping that we'll hear more soon.
  • The Johannesburg jam is up and available.
    Thanked by 1creative630
  • @Fengol, I'm getting an error saying that I'm not authorized to access the page.
  • Yeah I'm getting the same Error.
  • Is anybody welcome? This will be my first game jam but the "Experimentation" part sounds awesome.
  • ANYBODY YES :) All jams welcome anybody. ALL JAMS :)
  • cool, looking forward to my first GGJ!
    Thanked by 1dammit
  • Had my meeting with GGJ organizers, the JHB site should be up sometime today. Will keep you informed
    Thanked by 2Tuism dislekcia
  • The JHB site is now live; please sign-up!
  • @dammit Have you heard anything new about the Khayelitsha plans?
  • Nope, I haven't heard anything more.
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    Now, I've learned from experience that jams and I don't really get along (because I kinda need sleep to function, and I'm not a good enough designer to interpret abstract themes into anything worthwhile), but would it be possible to pop into the venue at some point over the weekend and lurk a bit, or is contact with Outside Mans super verboten?
  • yip, come and visit any time
  • Will see everyone there, can't wait to see with the theme is this year.
  • Can everyone going to the JHB jam please PM their name & email address so I organise WiFi for you.
  • Hi there guy's I know the Jam is over the weekend,But would just like to know how the whole thing work's.Do we Stay the whole weekend?or do we go home an come back the nest day?.Do we need money for food and drink?
  • For JHB, we're kicked out of venue late in the evening so go home and get rest then return the next morning. We can leave all the PCs and thing safely in the venue. Yes, you'll need money for food (there are a variety of take-aways and restaurants nearby) but there's free coffee on site. If you want to know anything, just ask
  • All info is for the cape town event is on the event page.

    The cape town event has a small entry fee. The fee covers food/drink for the weekend and the venue is open the whole weekend too. If you want to sleep bring your own pillows/blankets/bed. There should be security around but most likely other jammers will be there the whole time anyway.
  • Hey, was just wondering - being a sound guy - when is a good time to pitch up, since I figure the devs and writers will be mapping out their ideas for a bit to start with? Unless you need a tea boy/jester...
  • The jam starts at 5PM on Friday the 23rd and endS 3PM on Sunday.

    @MCA, come to the start where we're showing the keynote video and theme; building teams and coming up with ideas. You'll be involved in everything!
  • I've never attended one of these, but would really love to.
    I've scoured the official GGJ site and FAQs, but I don't see any mention about team sizes...
    Are there minimums and maximums for teams?
  • @UrielCorinthian There isn't really a min/max , but if you're any bigger than 3 or 4 it becomes a bit unwieldy to make something in the given time :).
  • Just found out about this and registered on the site. Anyone need a 3D artist? I'm pretty aight.
  • @BenSonance thanks :) I understand that. I really want to come for the experience though, and know a couple of other people who'd feel the same (and whom I'd really like to share the experience with), but most likely wouldn't come otherwise. That's why I asked.

    Also - in the FAQ, there's mention of "Late Jam Site Registration", but I don't see mention of dates for individual registration. So...
    When's the deadline for signing up? Is there one?

    I'm quite far away and need to make travel arrangements, etc. so just want to wrap my head around everything I'm loading onto my plate right now ;)
  • So, how does it work? Do people just show up and form teams after the brief, or do you have to put one together beforehand?
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    So, how does it work? Do people just show up and form teams after the brief, or do you have to put one together beforehand?
    Both have happened. It's really not a big deal - people figure out what they want to make after the theme is revealed (sometimes that can take ages) and teams are reasonably fluid for the first few hours of the jam. It's all pretty chilled.
  • Hey guys. I'm just starting out as a game designer, so I'd really like to participate in this jam (Heard about the Cape Town one yesterday). Am I too late to register?
  • Nope, you can register up until the day
    Thanked by 1UrielCorinthian
  • Do I need to register if I wish to just come visit for a few hours?
  • Fengol said:
    Nope, you can register up until the day
    Cape Town usually has a cutoff a few days before the event so that they can plan the catering, etc.
    Thanked by 1UrielCorinthian
  • @Fengol @dislekcia Thank you! Good to know :) Hussling like mad to try and make it there now...
  • I'll show up with my gear I guess ^^". So shout if anyone wants to form a tentative alliance. I can do any graphics, level editing or interface elements, but I can't code to save my firstborn son. I wouldn't want to be stranded on arrival, hehe. I'm really looking forward to learning a bit more about devving.
  • Who actually runs these locations? Can anyone take the initiative to set up a venue?
    Might be worth trying to do a Durban one sometime. We can use DUT, as we do for a lot of other events.
  • roguecode said:
    Who actually runs these locations? Can anyone take the initiative to set up a venue?
    Might be worth trying to do a Durban one sometime. We can use DUT, as we do for a lot of other events.
    http://globalgamejam.org - Click the "start a jam location" link.

    Make a Durban location happen!
    Thanked by 1Fengol
  • roguecode said:
    Who actually runs these locations? Can anyone take the initiative to set up a venue?
    Might be worth trying to do a Durban one sometime. We can use DUT, as we do for a lot of other events.
    I`m from Durbs, would definitely be keen to do it next time. Can't this time unfortunately.

  • So as we draw closer to the date, just wanted to ask about the schedule - do we start on the dot at 5pm with the viewing of the keynote video and the theme?

    If so it would be advised to try and get there earlier than 5pm just to settle in before the theme release :)
  • @PietPompies I wouldn't worry about being stranded, the way I see it a 3d artist is a gold nugget at any game jam!
  • @Tuism, I would appreciate if people setup a little early so we can start at 5PM
  • @UrielCorinthian There isn't really a min/max , but if you're any bigger than 3 or 4 it becomes a bit unwieldy to make something in the given time :).
    This. So much this. I was part of a 7-man team one year, and it was completely unmanageable. Keeping your teams small and focused is essential to getting anything worthwhile done.
  • 7 man team in a jam... We had enough back-and-fourth as a four man team in the last GGJ (I still love you all muah muah muah all of you are awesome) that I'm thinking of 2-3 this time. But hey we'll see :)
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    Tuism said:
    7 man team in a jam... We had enough back-and-fourth as a four man team in the last GGJ
    Yeppers. It seemed like a good idea at the time - a solid mix of artists, programmers and a sound dude can accomplish Great Things™, but it's waaaaay too inflexible for a jam environment. Coordinating a team of strangers is hard enough when you have a *month* to work on a project, never mind a weekend. A good lesson to learn. :P
  • Registered!

    Up until this point I was still unsure if I was going to do this again or not, but there's no going back now HA!
    Thanked by 1damousey
  • So, unless I'm having dental surgery, I'm THERE! registered a while ago, don't have a team officially, but suspect that will be sorted fairly swiftly.

    Artist love is real
  • And I've also just completed my registration :)

    First time ever I'll be doing something like this. MEGA excited :D
  • Here is a Google Doc full of resources for jammers for GGJ
    Thanked by 1UrielCorinthian
  • Good news everyone! We can stay 24-hours over at Microsoft, Bryanston. There is a catch however; in order to be able to enter & exit the building in the early hours of the morning, I need to get more information from attendees (first name, last name, general address, mobile number, email). If MS doesn't have this information you'll be locked in the building until they open.

    Registration for early morning access and WiFi is available until the end of the 20th (Tues).
    Thanked by 1Tuism
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