Board Game Prototyping
Hi all,
New to this forum, and to Board Game design.
I have 3 self-made games that I'm currently testing privately. However, soon I will need to relinquish my grip and let some friends and strangers play, and I'd like to have a decent prototype to do that with.
Does anyone have suggestions for places they've used to print custom cards sets, or custom boards? I am not looking to produce something with super-high quality artwork, as that only needs to happen at a later stage if necessary.
Or would you recommend more of a home made job?
The main components of all three games I'm toying with are just standard size cards with custom instructions on each.
Any suggestions would be welcome!
New to this forum, and to Board Game design.
I have 3 self-made games that I'm currently testing privately. However, soon I will need to relinquish my grip and let some friends and strangers play, and I'd like to have a decent prototype to do that with.
Does anyone have suggestions for places they've used to print custom cards sets, or custom boards? I am not looking to produce something with super-high quality artwork, as that only needs to happen at a later stage if necessary.
Or would you recommend more of a home made job?
The main components of all three games I'm toying with are just standard size cards with custom instructions on each.
Any suggestions would be welcome!
First of all, kudos for getting stuff going! It's always good to see people who go beyond ideas in their head to take them into something tangible :)
You've now reminded me of the thing I was writing a while ago, about the things I've learned about producing a prototype while making them (I think I've made at least 10, at least in part), so I'll have to go and finish that off soon XD
But in the meanwhile:
1. Don't bother spending much money.
2. Make it as quickly as possible. Don't overspend time on meaningless tweaks.
3. Make sure the info is clear (use contrasts, make things a reasonable size)
4. How to make cards easily: Print on A4, cut them out, put them in magic cards + sleeves.
5. Printing at Jetline or Minuteman will suffice! Really don't overthink it.
6. Drawing by hand is fine, but think of what you're making - writing out 100 cards is simply tedious and draining. Lay them out even in Excel or Word and print and cut if you're going for quantity. A single board? Draw it if you can stay neat.
That's enough for now :) And do think of making Print and Play files so you can show people on the internet your work. Throw it far and wide! If you haven't been part of the board game design forums of, you should be! Fantastic and focused community.
The community meetups are great places to test boardgames - not only are you guaranteed a level of interest in the game that's difficult to drum up elsewhere, but you'll also get really good feedback: Instead of people just saying that a thing is fun or not, or trying to tell you they enjoyed it when they didn't to make you feel good, the people at meetups make games too - so they know that constructive criticism is the way forward.
I've tested a boardgame at a meetup, it was literally just magic cards in sleeves with paper inserts, the feedback helped me make the game better and I've taken it through several rounds of testing since, each time the responses have been invaluable. I hazard that you're going to get the same info from the people on this forum that make more boardgames too ;)
I see that there's a meet up happening soon. Are these only for computer game demos, or are board games included?
[EDIT] dislekcia, you were too fast for me! I'll hopefully be able to attend a meet-up with a protoype in the near future. You guys have really inspired me to push on in this :)
Then next is also looking at people who actually play boardgames more (makegamesSA is great but not everyone plays boardgames, and that's no fault of anyones) - I go to a couple of boardgaming gruops here and there, and usually it's easy to get people interested in testing your game with you - and what's important is that game dev views are vastly different from game consumer views, and it's good to get as wide a gamut of views as you can :)
Here's a collection of boardgaming groups I know of in Joburg, I wrote it to get people to KNOW each other and get out of their niche :)
If you're in Cape Town there are a bunch of boardgaming groups that have been keen to help with testing new boardgame concepts in the past, @Tuism rightly points out how good they are to get to know if you want to keep making boardgames.
Otherwise, you can get hold of the UCT CLAWS group because a lot of them will be open to trying a new game. They're very friendly :)
I would also suggest not doing too much at this point in time with regards to printing. You just need a playable prototype. And you should get as many people playing it as often as possible because they way things go in your head is very different to what people will do with your rules.
Could you post some of your rules/design on the forums? Would love to take a look.
I have got a draft rules written up, but it needs refining before I post it :) When I'm happy with it (and when I've convinced my co-creator as well) I'll submit it for you guys.
*I speak from experience here :P