new in programing need a little help
I started doing consept art in 2009 and got to a point where i needed my art to more life insted of just jpeg or psd so i tryed my hand in flash , i got some tuts on the net but i found my self entering a new zone that became an addiction like digital painting . So ya am working on a 2d beat em'up game based on a platform set up and by the looks of things am gone have to make two follow up games for my story line make sence i just cant figure out how program the animations and i think i f'ed up the collision every just overlaps can any one help ?
If you can share something more specific we can maybe help you? For example, can you show us/explain what animation you have, and what you want it to do? Then we can look at the script needed to make this happen. One easy way to do this for example is you create your different animations in one timeline, then in your script you can tell it to jump to certain frames (based on input, etc).