Modeling practice day

edited in Questions and Answers
When do most of you students finish exams?

@Gazza_N @Tuism and I have been learning to model, texture, rig and animate characters in Blender good enough for dev art.

We'd like to get together to share our knowledge with each other and practice and I'd like extend the invitation to everyone who wants to learn a bit of modeling for 3D games.

Who's interested in attending a day long workshop early December? Probably at Microsoft, Bryanston but to be confirmed.

Professional artists are more than welcome to join and share their advice and knowledge; and everyone is welcome to come practice modeling.


  • edited
    Depending on what day it's on, I'm super keen. I've got the basics down, but it would be brilliant to compare notes and learn new tricks, and if we could get some actual 3D artists in to advise us on best practices from a technical/artistic standpoint and a more rigorous approach (NUDGE NUDGE), that would be aces. I just want to learn to rig properly. ;_;
  • Yeah I agree. Rigging so far has been a follow tutorial and hope things are right approach, and texturing has been UV, select all the files in all the bits that look like it wants a texture. So much guesswork XD
  • I would also be interested in learning and sharing :)
  • I am interested.
  • Most definitely.
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