Data-Oriented Software Design 101 - Slides and links
My slides from the talk, with a few tweaks to better clarify some points, are in the attached PDF file.<br><br>Some theoretical articles about DOD by Noel Llopis:<br><br><br><br>A theoretical presentation with diagrams of how data is laid out in memory in DOD vs. OOD by Niklas Frykholm:<br><br><br>A very technical presentation with illustrations of how cache memory gets utilised under the various paradigms, and benchmark results for each from a scene graph running on a PS3 (by Tony Albrecht):<br><br>


Data-Oriented Software Design 101.pdf
pretty insightful and it stirred up some great thoughts/comments. I have never really
gotten to a point where I've had to start seriously optimising so it was really
awesome to hear some experiences and tips from the community.