What is the best Video Game Console?

edited in General
Good Day,
Hope you are doing well.
I’m in the process of completing my MBA Research Report on Video Game consoles in Africa.
Would you please be so kind as to assist by completing a brief questionnaire, it should only take 5 minutes of your time – simply click on the following link:


Most browsers should allow you to complete the questionnaire and record your responses. The software's preferred browser is however Internet Explorer.
If you are a Mac user Safari should work.
Please, if possible, also forward the link to any contacts who are interested in developing gaming in Africa!
Participation in this questionnaire is confidential and anonymous – no personal contact information is requested. The information you provide will be used purely for academic research purposes.
Many thanks in advance


  • Why is the last question repeated?

    What criteria are people supposed to measure "Game play" on?
  • Hi, Thanks for the interest,

    There is some reason, behind the madness, the outcome of that question is key to the research, so it tests, the reliability by wording it slightly differently. Game play is really tricky to define, because every one had there own preference, but If can use an example - Mario cart, not the greatest graphics etc, but its a really fun game, I hope that makes sense?

    The data will be presented in a Blue Ocean Strategy canvas, I will post to the forum, for any one interested in Gaming in Emerging markets.

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    Was there Wii U in the survey? The survey felt strangely Xbox1 and PS4 centric (which are the two of the biggest consoles of the latest generation, and while the Xbox One will probably eventually sell more, right now the sales stats for the Xbox One aren't higher than the Wii U).

    Although I don't know what the african figures are like of course.

    Choosing between Xbox1 and PS4 for me is choosing between my 3rd and 4th choice of gaming platforms, and there's so little difference between them (compared to the difference between PC and PS4, or the 3DS and the Xbox One for example).

    In any case. Hope my answers helped.
  • *sigh* I hope when I produce my masters surveys that they ask the right questions.
    Thanked by 1Elyaradine
  • Thanks Blackshipsfillthesky, The survey is xbox/playstation orientated as it is concerned with more 'traditional consoles'. Disclosing a bit much here, but the point is not the difference between gaming platforms, rather it is looking at how the current consoles are over-serving the emerging market consumers, and how tiers of consumers are underserved as a result. Essentially looking at what the crucial features are for a console, with the idea of producing one for household that earn less than 200k a year, (rough 80% of the south african households)

    Dammit - that the beauty of a masters, YOU can ask what ever you like, haha
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    @wogga22: Ah yes, the "let's make a console for the massive lower-income market in Africa" chestnut. This comes up roughly once a year ;)

    The last one I saw was someone super convinced they could finagle Sony into letting them license or copy the PS2 and manufacture it locally and thus corner the market on the back of a "soccer game" that they wanted someone to make without realising how big an ask all of that actually was.

    Test those assumptions! Test them hard. Like are you sure that the market is actually that large? Why?
  • Low income console == Ouya, GameStick, PlayStation TV, or any other of the half dozen or so sub $100 microconsoles already out there.
    Thanked by 1dammit
  • @AngryMoose That's exactly what I was thinking.
  • @angrymoose, yeah playstation TV, took a bit of the wind out of my sails, My research is also looking at why micro consoles haven't taken off in Africa, This is more desk research - not really consumer feedback.

  • @wogga22 Simple, internet. All micro consoles rely on having internet to download the games.
  • wogga22 said:

    Dammit - that the beauty of a masters, YOU can ask what ever you like, haha
    Yes...but technically, you should be asking questions whose answers add to a growing body of scientific knowledge.

  • @sugburie, yup agree with you 100%, the paper looks at how you use Blue Ocean Strategy to Create features that over come short comings.
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