[Progammer Art] my first ever try at speed painting

edited in General
This is my first every try at painting anything in photoshop,
after watching a cool speed painting youtube video.

Wow that was fun and I learnt so much about photoshop brushes.
Still not really sure what brush setting to use or start with, I just fooled around.

So here is my ocean slug shell thingy at sunrise...

Thanked by 1wogan


  • @Boysano I looked at the image before reading your description...

    I decided it was a sea shell on a slim stretch of beach between the calm cool ocean and a raging hot forest fire. I was close, hey you're good... Nice art.
  • @konman thanks, actually your description fits it better since the light or fire is more textured than the shell..
  • edited
    Here is my second attempt today... (perspective is all off, but playing with light from the back and bottom)
  • That's awesome man, the best thing you can do is to keep doing it :) So keep doing it! :D
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