Kickstarter advise from SA
I need some advise regarding setting up kickstarter.
My contact in the UK is willing to register and do the stuff required so that i am eligible for a kickstarter campaign.
However i am now confused if i should let him do all the registration and stuff. And use his name.
Or do i register with my name, and only use his address and banking details etc.
Your advise will be much appreciated.
Thank you
I need some advise regarding setting up kickstarter.
My contact in the UK is willing to register and do the stuff required so that i am eligible for a kickstarter campaign.
However i am now confused if i should let him do all the registration and stuff. And use his name.
Or do i register with my name, and only use his address and banking details etc.
Your advise will be much appreciated.
Thank you
If the kickstarter is successful you're going to be dumping a lot of money in their account making them eligible for a ton extra tax. (accounting experts please correct me if I'm wrong). So it seems the logical way to prevent this is to set up a company and open up a bank account. Setting up a company is really easy, especially if you can use your contact's address. Takes about 20 mins and comes through in a couple of days. Setting up a bank account is theoretically achievable but so far proved f@#$ing impossible. We're kinda in a state of limbo while we figure out what to do here. If your contact is willing, getting them to set up the company for you might be a better option, as they will then be able to apply for the accounts in person.
If possible, it'll always be better to go KS.
He will then just verify the banking details. And all he wants in return is the money he is taxed on receiving the money.
What are your feelings on running an IndieGogo and a kickstarter campaign simultaneously?
Is it unethical? Could it potentially cause backlash from the internets?
The only reason i can imagine would be to keep up with communication from supporters as the page itself does not really change.
I promise you - its a ton of work!
As for running 2 campaigns simultaneously on 2 different platforms - I think that people will take it as a cash grab.
As for marketing the campaign. I think i was under the delusion you launch a campaign and that's all. Never gave it thought that it needs marketing.
This changes a lot... need to research marketing stuffs.
Also, consider growing your twitter following etc before you try and run a kickstarter campaign.
All kickstarters are different and it depends how much press you can wangle for yours - if it's super interesting and unique, you'll be good. If not - you're going to need to work a little harder.
Also, video games don't get as much backing as other games on kickstarter any more - and much of it depends on how good your video is, so you need to spend some money on that too.