@D3zmodos That's weird, it's fine on mine. In any case @Jwho303 is probably mildly insulted by my compulsive need to control the image quality and resize it for him anyway.
On the other hand I think the Game Maker Wizard is also an awesome mascot for makegamessa. It brings to mind Arthur C. Clarke's "Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic". Which is win.
Great event guys. Enjoyed everything. It was entertaining in a knowledge absorbing way :) . The networking in death smahers seemed so simple and fluid. And then I find out you made it over the weekend. Sweet. I envy the skillset. Thanks for the motivation guys ;)
Thanks for the kind words Shelton. I hope you took Nandrew's talk to heart and are giving competition "B" a shot. ALL of the games I worked on a couple years back were stinkers, we all get better one game prototype (or artwork or song or story etc) at a time.
On the other hand I think the Game Maker Wizard is also an awesome mascot for makegamessa. It brings to mind Arthur C. Clarke's "Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic". Which is win.
Rock on, muchos looking forward to vids :)
Does anyone have that link, the one about "making a game in 7 days", things to know and such. I search this site but found nothing.