Krash On Planet X and Precision Lander

edited in General
Hello everyone.

Happy to announce our two new game that is available at

1. Krash On Planet X

The Story so far...

You are Commander Krash and your Assistant Engineer Bubo are escaping from General Zolt Army. You crash on Planet X after depleting the energy crystal. Collect all the crystal on planet x to escape. 15 level to complete, The Desert, Underground Carven, Ghost Castle, Frozen Ice and The Forest.

2. Precision Lander


The story so far...

Control your Lander on an unknown planet. Avoid hitting rock and wall or you explode. You have a limited fuel for 300 sec. Refuel at any station for extra 15 sec. You might encounter hidden relic. Some hidden relic might surprise you such as Elvis Guitar, Michael Jordan balls just to name a few. Collect them. 34 maze level to complete.

Best regards,


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