Steam launches new discovery features!
So steam has finally flicked the switch, including the long promised curatorship features. This could be a really important moment. Or perhaps not. Time will tell.
I find a couple of things interesting: first, curatorship is not as front and center as I thought it would be. There also seems to be no mention of rev share for the curators. That was supposed to be the game changer. Well maybe it's still coming/only for the big guys. Secondly it's 2014 and most of these features are painfully obvious (friends recommendation, enhanced filters, personalised recommendations) but it's the first time we're seeing them in a digital storefront/app store. Well except for amazon, but they don't count so much for games.
Also, there could be a significant early mover advantage here. Go claim your storefronts now! You just need a steam community group to be a curator. WHO IS UPDATING MAKES GAMES TO WITH A LIST OF SA GAMES?!?!? GO! GO! GO! (okay it appears you need ten games. Do we have ten games on steam?)
Here is my attempt to create a category I always wished storefronts had and one I hope would be useful in punting Cadence when it comes out:
Though while it's a fun experiment, I have to be honest: my ability to compete with established names who do this full time is probably non existent.
I find a couple of things interesting: first, curatorship is not as front and center as I thought it would be. There also seems to be no mention of rev share for the curators. That was supposed to be the game changer. Well maybe it's still coming/only for the big guys. Secondly it's 2014 and most of these features are painfully obvious (friends recommendation, enhanced filters, personalised recommendations) but it's the first time we're seeing them in a digital storefront/app store. Well except for amazon, but they don't count so much for games.
Also, there could be a significant early mover advantage here. Go claim your storefronts now! You just need a steam community group to be a curator. WHO IS UPDATING MAKES GAMES TO WITH A LIST OF SA GAMES?!?!? GO! GO! GO! (okay it appears you need ten games. Do we have ten games on steam?)
Here is my attempt to create a category I always wished storefronts had and one I hope would be useful in punting Cadence when it comes out:
Though while it's a fun experiment, I have to be honest: my ability to compete with established names who do this full time is probably non existent.
But right now it's just the established big names.
The list of wannabe curators is 1440+ on day one.
Is there any mention of giving the curators some revenue? I think a small revenue-sharing scheme could really help take this to the next level.
BTW: a direct link to the MGSA "curator" -
Logic games with an open solution space store found here
With also throw in certain "engineering games", but basically anything that allows a creative construction/solution space I want to add here (also whisper whisper 6x Mass Production would belong here one day) but like @TheFuntastic said with the visibility the big names are getting, this would be a super niche storefront at best).
Besides the ones that are on that page already, anyone know of games like this for me? I'm enamored with these games as you can tell ;)
Guess I prefer making games than playing them these days...