Fanie De Beer - afrikaans/english browser game!

edited in Projects
Wag jy al hoe lank vir ietsie afrikaans?
Hou jy van puzzles?
Hou nie van huidige afrikaanse games nie?
Den do you love bad english dat some people does talk?
You liaaik badly translated stories of plaas-laaities?

1 word: Fanie.

3 months later, and we's finally gotten around to getting our really great Afrikaans game, Fanie de Beer onto de web! No frieken way you say!
AND! Best of all, it is de full 87 level game right in your browser!! I love dem browser games! dey so easy to play...
All dat we ask is dat if you like our puzzle game, leave us a naais comment, and share with a tjommie?
We spent like 20 minutes making one of doze facebook like buttons... now if only someone just uses it?

Have some pretty pictures to get your inner selves all saaikt up and click on dis link: Hier kom ek Fanie!!


Thank you.

jean pant.


  • edited
    Bra!!!! Hierdie game is flippen naais! Ek moet se, ek is baie trots om 'n afrikaans game daar buite te sien. En die feit dat julle die spelling foute gemaak het aan die engelse kant is moer snaaks.

    Game is baie juicy en regtig iets wat ek op my tablet sal wil he!

    Fanie wil net kak aan jaag! Ek love dit!!

    ps. As daar iets is wat ek dalk kan se moet by kom, Wys erens die minimum klippe vir 3 sterre
  • CapeFury said:
    ps. As daar iets is wat ek dalk kan se moet by kom, Wys erens die minimum klippe vir 3 sterre
    That is there, it's hard to make out because all the colours of the text are the same: the number next to the top star (the smallest number) is the number of throws you're allowed to get 3 stars.
  • Hy is actually beskikbaar vir Android op die samsung appstore... but the pc version just looks so much prettier!
  • How does the flashlight and DoF work on a touch build?
  • Those are definitely not in the android build which also has a toned down explosion and crater object..
    The whole touch thing is fun to work with, and opens up a lot of doors, but I sometimes miss the real pretty of the pc environment.
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