AfterRobot! (Taxi Board Game)
Hello :)
My name is Tsitsi Chiumya, a third year game design student at Wits and I have been working on a board game called (AfterRobot) for roughly 2 years now.
AfterRobot is a Three to Four player strategic game about the Taxi industry. Players take on the role of taxi bosses from different areas trying to get their taxi's to desired locations. Yes the game contains fun adaptations of real situations like (Taxi conflicts and turf wars).
The game uses a cool dice mechanic to allow players to navigate their way around the board.
Games are usually 30 minuets long
However once players get the hang of it it usually goes for on for 20 to 25 minutes depending on the players.
The game was at A Maze and it did well and getting the attention of a lot of players among those (Sos Sososwski, Pippin Bar, Linus Felts and many more) and i only mention this to show the potential that the game has.
This is a dropbox link to the A Maze build of the game (Print and Play): Game Package (Tsitsi Chiumya).zip?dl=0
I would appreciate it if anyone could provide feedback and if you played it at A Maze please tell me what you think
for more information like my facebook page:
My name is Tsitsi Chiumya, a third year game design student at Wits and I have been working on a board game called (AfterRobot) for roughly 2 years now.
AfterRobot is a Three to Four player strategic game about the Taxi industry. Players take on the role of taxi bosses from different areas trying to get their taxi's to desired locations. Yes the game contains fun adaptations of real situations like (Taxi conflicts and turf wars).
The game uses a cool dice mechanic to allow players to navigate their way around the board.
Games are usually 30 minuets long
However once players get the hang of it it usually goes for on for 20 to 25 minutes depending on the players.
The game was at A Maze and it did well and getting the attention of a lot of players among those (Sos Sososwski, Pippin Bar, Linus Felts and many more) and i only mention this to show the potential that the game has.
This is a dropbox link to the A Maze build of the game (Print and Play): Game Package (Tsitsi Chiumya).zip?dl=0
I would appreciate it if anyone could provide feedback and if you played it at A Maze please tell me what you think
for more information like my facebook page:
640 x 1136 - 426K
But if cards did weird little things like allowed players to twiddle the values on a couple of dice (maybe even at any point, to mess with someone else's roll) or allow 1 taxi to move through an otherwise blocked node, or allow 1 taxi to move twice in a turn, or allow 1 taxi to not be reset when actively blocked, then you might be able to deal with things like blockades in an interesting way as a player.
I dunno how good an idea any of this is and I don't really want the game to get more complicated, seeing as it's pretty damn good already ;)
Thanks again Danny
What was the rule change you were talking about to deal with fully-blocked situations though? I never got the chance to ask you about that after you said you'd come up with a solution.
It still needs a bit of balancing, I play tested it last night and it seems to be working.