Amazing thread of AMAZE 14 win (pictures, stories, thanks)
AMAZE JHB was, beyond any doubt, brilliant. Huge thanks to everyone involved in making it happen, making it fun and making it memorable. In aid of both helping everyone remember the cool stuff that happened to them during AMAZE, and to make the people who didn't go jealous enough to go next year: Post your stories and pics here.
... YAY! Still so pumped :)
... YAY! Still so pumped :)
But yeah. Amaze this year was rather fucking rad! Really glad that I put a week into doing stuff with people who had come into the country and city.
Also I'm still having a bit of trouble getting my head around that there were people playing zX at 2:30am on the last day, and I had to ask them to stop playing since I needed to pack up my laptop and stuff >.<
To the rest of you : where is all the photos ???
Amaze easily paid for itself in value. Plus I had a truly brilliant time, and made friends with some of the coolest people I've ever met. Which way did you decide!?!?!?
Joon's Glitch Golf (I think that's what it's called?) broke my head.
Joonas' set at the party broke everything else.
I feel both bad and kinda good that the Cricket prototype caused @LexAquillia to slowly dive off the stage.
AfterRobot made me think about tactics for like 2 days.
Can't wait for next year!
If you touched me, you are now a duke.
also, some pictures.
Got to met my idols there and met some idols I didn't know I had. Truly great people! But I've learned that we simply all share a passion, we all make games, we all have varying degrees of not knowing htf to do so, and we and all are learning as we go along. We are all great in that sense (yes, YOU *point and smile*)
>> Watching the kids jump around and play in the pool to Joon's operating nothing but MS paint. It was super special seeing how the kids playing the projection as if it were a game - and indeed it was. So lovely!
>> Playing LETHAL LEAGUE till 3am. Then the next day playing Lethal League at the pool. Was magical!
>> Making Mjolnir with tape, cardboardbox, an upside-down joystick, a chisel and a Joon.
>> Making a three-button arcade controller from absolutely scratch with a David Hayward and then seeing all our controllers work together in Joon's game Bonkell. Fun!
>> Them Hypertalks! So much goodness packed in such a small temporal juncture. So inspired.
>> Joonas's set played from his NDS! So good!
>> Ye Olde McDonald's finale photos